How do you get text messages for a line using Home Phone Connect?

I have four lines, three are smartphones and one is a Home Phone Connect.  I use the Home Phone Connect as my "SPAM" number:  It's the number that the doctor, dentist, businesses, banks, government offices, and anyone else I don't want bothering me, get.  They can tell my machine what they feel is worth a call and I may call them back.  

Unfortunately, some of these entities are now wanting to send texts to the Home Phone Connect number as part of two factor authentication.  But the device does not have a screen so I cannot receive texts on it.

How can I receive texts for this number?  Do I have to set up a separate My Verizon account for it?  If so, how?  Will I have to acknowledge a text message (that I cannot receive) to authenticate it?

I'm OK with installing an application on my computer to do this, but I run Linux.

Thank you for any assistance you all can provide. 

1 Reply
Customer Service Rep

Hi, Username_Not_Defined. I can appreciate the details you've shared and I would be happy to help. Regrettably, lines of service set up as a home phone connect do not have text message functionality, and will therefore not receive any texts sent via two-factor authentication. I apologize for the inconvenience. Let us know if this clears things up.


