I can call 1 specific contact but unable to send text messages ??

I have a Samsung Galaxy Note 8. It has all available updates installed.

The person I'm trying to text also has Verizon and is on an iPhone. I can call this contact without issue.

I've done the following already:

- Deleted the message thread from my texting application.

- Deleted the contact.

- Rebooted the phone.

- Readded the contact without the +1 prefix

- Messaged the contact again, still getting "Error 5: Other Network Problem" when trying to text this contact.

- I've even tried other text messaging apps to no avail.

- I can text anyone else without any issue from any other text messaging app.

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Customer Service Rep



Itโ€™s important that youโ€™re able to successfully send and receive texts messages on your wireless device at all times. Iโ€™m sorry if this hasnโ€™t been your experience with our service lately. Iโ€™d love to help.


When did this problem with sending text messages to this particular contact begin? Are you able to receive text messages from this contact? Please let me know so that I can further assist.


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