Integrated calling feature with VZ Messages

I recently purchased a ASUS ZenPad 8 running Android 7.0.  I installed the VZ Messaging app on that tablet.  The messaging feature works, however, I am not  able to activate the integrated calling feature.  I successfully used this feature on my old Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 with Android 5.0. I do have HD Voice activated on my mobile number.  I spoke to a VZ customer representative today and was told that after April 2018 the integrated calling feature would no longer be able to be activated on new devices.  I just want to verify that this information is accurate.  If so, that should be included on the app description in the Google Play store.  Thanks in advance for whatever assistance you  can provide.

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5 Replies
Customer Service Rep

mjkadj54, We hope you are enjoying your new tablet. The information you received is correct, the Integrated Calling feature isn't compatible with your tablet. We appreciate your feedback.


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Contributor - Level 3

The Integrated calling feature has been recently DISABLED by Verizon.  They claim it's to resolve a technical issue with the network (see link below)...They don't give any specific time frame of when the feature will be available again.

Re: Integrated Calling on Message Plus App stopped Working


Discontinuation of tablet calling through Message+: I am curious why this service was cancelled. In addition, I am VERY dissatisfied that this service was removed and this was a very significant factor in deciding to purchase a tablet through Verizon. In my case, WiFi is everywhere I go and other than the calling feature, your network is not often required for data services. I now have a contract on this device for absolutely no reason! The discontinuance of this service would not have irritated me quite as significantly if there was, at minimum, SOME lead time on this change. Your own tech support people (level 2) were unaware of the change and wasted a couple of hours of my time and theirs attempting to figure out what the problem was with my service when the calling feature suddenly quit working on or about the 7th of April. This has to be, by far, the worst example of customer service I have ever experienced from Verizon and will be a factor in future decisions on which wireless company serves my needs in the future. Please explain why there was such a critical time frame in terminating this service, such that I could not be notified in advance.

Contributor - Level 3

I also had the same issue with my tablet (Samsung Galaxy S2 9.7), but luckily my tablet is Wi-Fi Only.  I also called customer service in April of 2018 and spent 2 hours with a level 2 Tech who still couldn't figure out the problem.  In Verizon's statement; they claim this feature was disabled to correct issues with the network and only new customers who recently installed the message app on their device should be affected.  I've had their message app on my tablet for over a year; so why is my device affected.  Also; why weren't customers and their own Customer Service  Rep's notified of this change.  And why is there no time frame given on when this feature will enabled. This whole fiasco started back in November of 2017 when their Message App stop working on smartwatches that upgraded to Andriod Wear Oreo; now we're in May 2018 and they've disabled Integrating Call on their App...When does this nonsense END!!..  I've been a loyal Verizon Customer since 2005 and this has been the worst treatment I've ever experienced in my LIFE!!..Customers should be compensated by Verizon for their poor management of the situation.  I really hope that in the end; the issues with their app not working on The Andriod Wear OS get corrected and they enable Integrated Calling on tablets and Smartwatches.  I hope this happens soon or at the very least they should give us timely updates with an estimated time of completion....If you need any additional Info on this topic, click on my Avitar and go to my profile page and read some of my topics...Good Luck!..


I have the same problem! I have a Samsung Note 8 and a Tab S3 and can not use the calling feature with the message+ app and way on the phone for about 2 hours with customer service and they couldn't figure out the problem and then was doing the online texting customer service and after about another 2 hours of that the girl finally said that she saw a notification that that service was down and that there was no approximate date for it to become active again. I want to know why employees were not notified property and when it will be available and an answer of I don't know is not acceptable! I also want to know the reason for the disconnection of that service and why customers were not notified that this was going to take place and again I don't know is not an acceptable answer! Verizon's service is becoming very inconvenient and costly as you also now have to pay for the cloud service which has always been free and if you don't upgrade in time verizon without notice just wipes out everything you have saved except for your contacts, which happened to a friend of mine. When will the calling feature be fixed and until that time what other options are there so you are able to sync your phone to your tablet to enable a calling feature? I expect a detailed and prompt answer!