LG enV3 won't receive emoticons anymore; started a few months ago. Why?
Enthusiast - Level 2

I have an LG enV3 and could always receive messages with smilies or emoticons in them, up until about 3 months ago. Now if someone sends a text with any kind of emoji or emoticon/smilie or any small pic/gif, I get blank messages with just wingding boxes in it (a whole line of empty squares). It's annoying to have to text the person back and tell them to resend. How come this just started happening recently, and how can I fix it? Nothing has changed with my service as far as I know (I'm on a family plan and everyone else in my family has smart phones so they don't have this issue).

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7 Replies

You might need to simply delete long threads or old messages to free up space for sending and receiving.  You might need to try a master reset if you have other issues as well.

Master Reset LG enV3 | Verizon Wireless

Enthusiast - Level 2

Thank you for your reply. My phone has always given a warning ("your Inbox is 80% full") and then it automatically starts to delete my sent text messages starting with the oldest first whenever a new text comes in, and I hadn't gotten that warning yet but I still took your advice and deleted everything I didn't need. Now I have about 50MB of free space but it still wouldn't receive other people's texts with smileys.

I kept on digging online and never found a specific answer but I did see that the most recent software version for my phone is V05(?) I guess, and mine is still on V03. So I started thinking maybe that is why - I have old software? That's weird because I thought it updates automatically. I tried following the manual update instructions but my phone wouldn't update and kept telling me "Credentials Wrong" - whatever that means. I finally contacted Verizon customer service on chat today and although he couldn't specifically tell me why it says "Credentials Wrong," he did say that he believes the update would solve the smileys issue... but that the update is no longer offered as an automatic download to my phone and that I have to go into a Verizon corporate store to have them update it. So that's my plan in the next few days and I hope that works! I guess it's what I get for still having an old basic phone, haha

Thank you again for your reply, and if the software update doesn't work for some reason I will also try the master reset like you suggested.


Good luck.  Most Verizon stores, corporate included, might give you a line that they don't carry the cables and software needed to flash a basic/feature phone with an update.

Enthusiast - Level 2

Thanks for the heads up! I better call ahead of time before I waste the gas getting to the store. I hope they can do it. I'm already mentally working on my replies for when they try to sell me an upgrade or something, haha


Just use good judgement and be open to other possible offers that might actually benefit you.  Of course, research those offers and plans and phones first.

Enthusiast - Level 2

You were right! I was about to drive over there a little bit ago but called first to make sure and they told me that no store anywhere has the ability to update my phone (makes me wonder why the customer support person told me to go in in the first place). They just don't offer that update at all anymore. The tech specialist even called LG for me to see if he could get the tools from them but they don't have it anymore, and apparently took them away even from tech support at Verizon, so he couldn't help me even though he wanted to. Apparently my phone should be on V07, but it's only at V03. Kinda makes me mad that it didn't just update itself this whole time, but maybe that was my fault... I had no idea that there were even updates until this issue started happening. Maybe I should've been checking for new updates all along and this wouldn't have happened. Tech support told me if I'd tried to download it like a year ago then it would've worked.

I can't find anywhere online that's sharing the download of V07 for me to try and update the phone myself. I might be forced into getting a smartphone I guess, bah humbug, haha. Don't have anything against them, I just don't need one so it's a waste of money in my case. I only need like 15 minutes of calls a month and the ability to send/receive texts. I do all my work and email/internet stuff on my home PC. I guess there's probably a really cheap/flimsy smart phone out there I could get or something.


Sounds like you need prepaid.