Looking for Message+ on Linux??
Enthusiast - Level 1

Another Verizon customer and Linux user who would like a Message+ app for Linux

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3 Replies
Customer Service Rep

I understand the importance of being able to use Verizon Messages+ on a Linux computer. We do appreciate your feedback, and we will make sure we uplift your concerns. The good news is you can always use the web application. All you have to do is sign in here: http://spr.ly/6585DT40l I do hope this helps. 


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Enthusiast - Level 1

Well looks like the site you provided is not working. When can we expect a Linux port for this application?

Customer Service Rep

Hello Shawn1C and thank you for reaching out to us today! We know what a hassle it can be to use the web version of the Message+ application. We currently do not have an expected time frame as to when we will launch a Linux port for this application. However, you can always subscribe to receive the latest news and updates on our services here: http://spr.ly/6585DfhnX . Please let us know if you have any other questions for us!



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