Mechanics of Reporting Text Spam
Enthusiast - Level 1

Received a spam text this morning. Something about winning £5000 per the preview popup.

I'm aware I can report by forwarding to 7726. But in Verizon Messages, HOW do I forward it without marking the message as "read" (thereby inviting the sender to send more)??

Thanx in advance.

16 Replies
Customer Service Rep

Kp1099, getting unwanted spam text messages can be troublesome. I want to make sure that we do everything we can to stop these messages from coming to your device. I understand not wanting to mark the message as "read." One thing that I would suggest is to take a screenshot of the message and text with the picture with the information to 7726. I hope this provides clarity.   KevinR_VZW

Enthusiast - Level 2

How can you block text spam if the same messages come from spoofed numbers that constantly change?  Since I have that issue I was expecting that reporting them was a waste of time.

Customer Service Rep

We never want any of our customers to receive spam. We are here to help review your option. 


Currently there is not a way to block those unwanted messages, since you stated they keep changing numbers. You do have the option to change your number though. This would help you avoid the messages you are currently getting



Enthusiast - Level 1

What happed to the drop down option directly from the text menu to Report as Spam?

It was simple, deleted the message, and I beleive blocked future messages.  Why are we going backwards and this becoming more complicated while the problem has grown exponentially???

Bring back the "Report as Spam".

Enthusiast - Level 1

I know. So so aggravating. The one thing they know everyone will need. 

Customer Service Rep

Jazztomato, we always want to make sure that we do everything we can to help manage spam texts. Could you please tell us a bit more about what's going on? Are you having trouble reporting spam texts? If so, when did this issue start and what texting app are you using?



Enthusiast - Level 1

changing numbers is not an acceptable option

Customer Service Rep

As consumers ourselves we understand the nuisance of receiving unwanted calls.Here are some options to block a few specific numbers or prevent all spammers and robocallers from reaching you.


Enthusiast - Level 1

Because of the lack of empathy from this business and the business charging to add blocks, consider moving to Google messages. It allows blocking text messages and reporting as spam with one button. Also allows for easy text messaging online. 

I found it fit my use needs more than this company's product.

Enthusiast - Level 1

If you have an iPhone, iOS 13 and up allow you to block by selecting "Silence Unknown Callers" in Settings/Phone. 

"Calls from unknown numbers will be silenced, sent to voicemail, and displayed on the Recents list. Incoming calls will continue to ring from people in your contacts, recent outgoing calls, and Siri Suggestions."

Just found out, and will see how it goes. . .


LiseNeer, even this is not a good option. We need a HARD BLOCK option; NOT an option that sends things to my voicemail and fills up my voicemail or sends to 'recent calls' and also can fill up call logs. About 10 years ago, FCC asked for RFC about "What are the best ideas to prevent junk calls & texts;" and about 3 of us got the "top idea" - one guy submitted it just before I submitted mine: MAKE *ALL* CALLS 'WHITE-LIST-ONLY' and 'OPT-IN-ONLY' - and have a "buffer" or "hard block" that rejects the caller and says, "Sorry, you're not on the white-list/opt-in for the number you are texting or calling - you must find another way to contact them and be placed on their accepted list." THIS IS *THE* ONLY WAY that people will get back to normal - additionally, SHAME & FINE THE SPAMMERS - YOU, as Verizon (and AT&T and Sprint and T-Mobile, etc.) ** ACCEPT MONEY ** WHEN SOMEONE PAYS YOU FOR THESE PHONE NUMBERS 'FROM' WHERE THE SPAM ORIGINATES! The other part of the winning idea is "CHARGE INSTANT 'CREDIT CARD' FINE TO ABUSERS!" They sign your agreement when they PAY YOU for the phone number they are using for spamming - JUST MAKE "INSTANT CREDIT CARD FINES" part of the agreement! DONE/FIXED! It really IS that simple! And guess what, soon, ALL (99.99%) of the spam goes away, because NOBODY wants to be fined $2,000.00 per SPAM INCIDENT (text or phone spam)! Also, make it a FELONY - nobody wants to be a felon - well, most people probably don't.

Customer Service Rep



We understand these calls or frustration. I have gotten them myself and am just annoyed as you. I do check my Voicemail to delete the blocked calls, but there is not a good way to stop multiple numbers. We can block a few numbers for 90 days if you are getting the same phone number calling you. 


We appreciate you reaching out. You can also check out our Call Filter for additional options. 




Agree. changing numbers is not an option.  Easy out for Verizon. A cop-out.

Enthusiast - Level 1

Having to change your phone number because of Spam issues is only a temporary fix, and a huge hassle when you have hundreds of contacts.  The best option would be for someone to trace the sender and put a stop to it.

Enthusiast - Level 1

There is a spammer account on AT&T network, which continues to rotate (change) numbers and send me SMS spam. Some numbers recently used (they all belong to AT&T Wireless):


The texts are obvious spam and contain words like "partner horny", “Produce Testosterone”, “Burn … Fat” or "PURE CBD Oil".

All SMS come from the same spammer, because they contain the word “KATINA” (this is probably what they think my name is).

Please help to shut them down!!
Thank you!

Customer Service Rep

Changing your phone number is one way to combat spammers, greghw. As you point out, though, it is only temporary and it is a huge hassle for the victim. While there are blocking options, you may also want to consider involving the FTC on this. See “How to Report Spam Text Messages” on this page for further information.

