Message+ out of country, not on the Verizon network
Enthusiast - Level 1

Hi, I am in a foreign country with my phone and cellular tablet with one if this country’s service providers 

I still have my US phone number going on the US mobile network (which does not work in the country I am in) I wanna keep this US number going, but be able to access, send/receive text messages (calls a plus) and most importantly, get my bank’s verification codes

Will I be able to access those things overseas when activating message plus with my US mobile number?

3 Replies
Customer Service Rep

We know how important it is to stay connected, and we'll be glad to help out. Could you tell us which country you are currently located to check if the service would work?


Enthusiast - Level 1

Currently I am in Ukraine,  but I am traveling around, so will be in other countries soon

 but as mentioned, I don’t have Verizon service, I got US mobile service

So will the verizon message + app perform different based on what country I am in? (while I am either way never on the Verizon network)

Customer Service Rep

Thank you for the clarification. The Message+ app, will work the same as your normal messages app works, if you don't have service in the country you are, the app won't be able to receive messages. 
