Message plus resets daily on my Blackberry Priv

Every day when I turn on my phone, I have to go through the setup process for Message Plus as if its the first time I've ever used it.  First, a message flashes very quickly on my screen that reads "MDN Changed!  Resetting App settings..."  Then it goes through the process of setting up, asking if I want a public profile, etc.  This happened before about 3 months ago, and after going back and forth with someone from Verizon on this forum, it got fixed somehow.  But now its back, and very annoying.  I've updated the app, uninstalled and installed it, cleared the cache, etc.  Nothing helps.  HELP!

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2 Replies
Customer Service Rep

You’ve taken some great steps to help resolve the issue where Message Plus runs a startup daily, SCEFinance. You came to the right place for further troubleshooting. In order to understand the scope of what’s happening, we need some more information. How are all of the other apps on your Priv working? How are calls, texts (once this restarts), and internet services? When did it start this time around? When it happened three months ago, was that also on this same device?




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Thanks for getting back to me. This started maybe a month ago.  And yes, all the other apps on my PRIV are working fine.  And yes, it’s the same device as before.

George [removed]

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