Messages app become default
Enthusiast - Level 2

Is there any way to make the Verizon integrated messaging app, the default messaging AND calling app on the phone? I have an iPhone 6s Plus. I don't have signal at my house so I rely on the messages+ app for texting and calling while at home. I want to make this app override true stick phone and messaging apps

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9 Replies
Enthusiast - Level 2

That was supposed to say that I want the Verizon Messages+ app to override my iPhone 6s Plus stock phone and stock iMessage apps. Autocorrect makes me look illiterate.

Customer Service Rep

AllishaHeiby, being able to use your phone at home is certainly imperative. While we would love to have you use our Integrated Messaging App, as Apple is the designer and manufacturer of the phone, their applications and software will take precedence. We would like to explore the signal issue with you to see if we may make your life easier. How long has signal been an issue? Is this only when in the home or how far from the home? Do others have issues in this area?
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Enthusiast - Level 2

It's been like this since way back in Altell days. I live in a 5 mile radius of dead zone for Verizon. AT&T and Tracfone is the only signal reachable in my area.

I am also having an issue as of lately with my messages+ app not telling me I have texts. It doesn't refresh until I physically open the app. I have iMessages turned off as per the instructions and I have background refresh data turned on. It's acting like it won't offer push notifications or something although I don't have an actual option for this. How can I fix this? I'm fine not having the app be default but now I'm not even getting my texts on time. I have to open the app for it refresh and send through my notifications. I'm getting texts from an hour ago that are just now being pushed through since I've opened my app back up.

Enthusiast - Level 2

Also, I have deleted and reinstalled the app, the app is up to date software wise. My phone itself is up to date. My emails and fb and fb messenger all refresh in the background and I receive their notifications just not with my VZW messages+ app

Customer Service Rep

I can't thank you enough for elaborating on the services concerns as well as the push notifications. May I ask if this occurs when the device is in "low power mode"? You may notice that in low power mode notifications aren't pushed to the device. ( ie, e-mails )
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Enthusiast - Level 2

I don't have low power option activated. Also, I checked the little notch on the left side of the phone that flips silent mod on and off, and it is switched to "ring" NOT "silent". So, iMessages is turned OFF, VZW messages+ background data refresh option is ON, low power option is OFF, do not disturb mode is OFF, push notifications/ fetch notifications options are both ON, phones iOS is up to date, VZW messages+ app software is up to date, I have deleted and reinstalled the app, I have turned phone off and back on, I have also tried resetting all settings to default options and still not getting automatic notifications from VZW messages+ app. I do get the text notifications BUT only after I physically open the app and force a refresh. I DO get calls as they come in, and I can make calls and send texts. I just can't get texts automatically without opening the app myself.

Customer Service Rep

Thank you for providing this insight. I notice the issue occurred "as of late," Did it begin after any type of software update or change to the device?
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Enthusiast - Level 2

No. As of late is referring to, it worked fine since I downloaded the app but as of last night it no longer refreshes itself to notifying me of new texts

Customer Service Rep


Thanks for keeping me updated with your results.  Let’s take a closer look.

Since this problem began, have you tried “restoring the device via iTunes”:

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