Missing Message Plus eGift gift card purchases

I have purchased a total of 5 gift cards that I am missing. I received an error code (error 109) immediately after purchase if 4 of these, and re-submitted purchase thinking it was not billed. I then received confirmation it was billed. Two of these purchases (totaling $100), may have been refunded/credited to my bill, however, I am still missing $200 in card purchases. One of these purchases was initially received but then subsequently deleted by the recipient and lost from my device when my screen was broken and my device replaced.  That purchase does not exist anywhere in my eGift history, although all my other purchases are intact in that list.

I have spent upwards of 3 hours on the phone with Customer Support and have tried all steps listed in support and given via instructions by Customer Support to try to restore with no success. HOW DO I GET THESE CARDS RE-ISSUED?

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2 Replies
Customer Service Rep

Making sure your gift cards reach their recipients is a priority, ItsJustE2U. We definitely want to find out what happened with your missing gift cards. I want to take a closer look into this for you. Please respond to the private message I have sent so we can solve this mystery.

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If my response answered your question please click the 'Correct Answer' button under my response. This ensures others can benefit from our conversation. Thanks in advance for your help with this!


I have the same problem, I tried to order a egift card, but got an error try again later. I then noticed that I am being charged twice for this card and intended recipient never received the card. I have not been able to resolve this matter, since I have no confirmation of gift card with a number and so far no one has been able to help me. I will be struggling to pay for one card, I cannot pay for two. Especially since the card was never sent! Please help me get this taken care of.

