No Windows Phone Messaging App?

What is it with Verizon and Microsoft? Do they just not have any developers who can create Windows/Windows Phone Apps? Integrated Messaging looks great and I feel cheated that I can't fully utilize it because they don't have a Windows app.

Verizon, if you need a Windows dev hire me so you can stop neglecting your Microsoft customers .

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3 Replies
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Talk to Microsoft. Verizon has nothing to do with operability on a Windows Phone. The developer at Microsoft has to make it to work with Verizon and not the other way around.

Good Luck


You have no idea what you are talking about. offbeatpop is referring to the Verizon Messages+ app which Verizon most certainly writes itself for Windows, Mac, iOS and Android.

Verizon Messages - Verizon Wireless

I, too, would really like it if Verizon would release a version for Windows Phone.

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Verizon Mobile Support

I think its you that doesn't know what they are talking about.

Verizon makes the app to work with Android and iOS devices. They have this operability due to Apple and Google and those device makers give Verizon's app the ability to function on their devices.

Its a known fact Microsoft's App store is sorely lacking. Read it on the net. If Microsoft places the ability for Verizon's messaging app to work with those windows phones then it would say "Available on the Microsoft App Store"

Any app that is made has to be approved for operability on that device.

Come back when you know of what you speak.

Thank You