Not Receiving Texts in Online Message
Enthusiast - Level 1


I am using verizon text messages online.

I just signed up yesterday.

I am using it to receive verification texts while at work to sign up for some products/services.

I have been unable to receive any verification texts.

I also sent myself a text from globfone as an additional test.  I did not receive it either.

The only text I have received is one that I sent to my own number through the verizon messages online. 

Mobile phones/tablets are not allowed where I work and there are no work phones in the area I work either. 

So I must rely on online texting - which unfortunately seems not to be working.

thanks in advance for any help you can provide



16 Replies
Customer Service Rep

Charmed33, we thank you for such detailed information. As a valued customer, your service concerns are our concerns too. We certainly want you to enjoy using Verizon's Message + feature, and we're sorry to hear that you're experiencing problems receiving verification messages to your device. We'll do everything we can to get this matter resolved. We thank you for the troubleshooting steps you've already completed. Let's get started! What's the make/model of your phone? Have there been any recent changes with it? (e.g., software update, new apps downloaded, etc.) Have you tried rebooting your phone? - RobertC_VZW

Champion - Level 3

@charmed33 wrote:


I am using verizon text messages online.

I just signed up yesterday.

I am using it to receive verification texts while at work to sign up for some products/services.

I have been unable to receive any verification texts.

I also sent myself a text from globfone as an additional test.  I did not receive it either.

The only text I have received is one that I sent to my own number through the verizon messages online. 

Mobile phones/tablets are not allowed where I work and there are no work phones in the area I work either. 

So I must rely on online texting - which unfortunately seems not to be working.

thanks in advance for any help you can provide



Some texts, for security verifications or authentications, are delivered ONLY to the primary device associated with that phone number.

...Just another VZW customer...trying to offer some assistance...
Enthusiast - Level 1

At least you understood his question unlike the Verizon person.  He is doing it via the web app and Verizon asks about his phone model.  They must not have a clue or it's a canned response

Thanks for helping out.

Customer Service Rep

We understand your needs and would like to help. It is important to verify if your line have restrictions for short code messages. If you are using Verizon Message + on your  computer all restrictions on your line are also effective when you use the app on your PC. In the links below, you will find important information.

We also recommend to check if you have blocks for Premium Messaging via My Verizon. Check the link below:

Please let us know if you have additional questions.


Enthusiast - Level 2

@jav6and @charmed33 ,

Do you know if there has been a solution to this yet?

I just started to using Text online and I have the exact same issue. Seeing your post is couple months old, I hope there has been an update on this since then.


Champion - Level 3

@btamer Nothing has been marked/accepted as solution. Are you saying you don't see authentication short codes in the web messaging site? Do you receive them on your phone?

...Just another VZW customer...trying to offer some assistance...
Enthusiast - Level 2


Not on the website, but on the phone.

Since my screen is damaged, I was hoping to be able to use the website.

Customer Service Rep

I can understand how important it is to get a notification of verification text delivered to your online Message Plus account. For security, verification messages will only be sent to your mobile device, not an online portal.  AlbertoR_VZW

Enthusiast - Level 2


Just a feedback for future enhancement:

I would appreciate if you can add this feature to online texting, too. For example, someone might be traveling and their plan might not be a good one to use internationally.

Champion - Level 3

Another option would be to have an alternate method as a choice for verification, e.g. an email instead of text message...

...Just another VZW customer...trying to offer some assistance...
Customer Service Rep

Without feedback, systems in place go unchecked. Thank you. I’ve lifted this up to leadership.

Enthusiast - Level 1

Verizon,   I understand that the delivery of verification codes to the web based app is a security concern.  Multi-factor authentication requires our ability to receive these messages when our phone is not available.  Do  you have any alternative methods in which your customers (including myself) can do multi-factor authentication through a web based solution?  Can we set-up our cell phone to dial our work desk with an audible verification number when receiving these verification codes?  We need the ability to validate when our phone is not available so anything Verizon can help with would be appreciated.  Thank you!

Moderator Emeritus

Due to the age of this thread, it will be locked in order to keep discussions current. If you have the same or a similar question/issue we invite you to start a new thread on the topic.

Customer Service Rep

Risaven, thanks so much for reaching out to us about this. I completely understand how you feel. However I want to make sure I provide you with the most accurate information. Is this in relation to a business account?

Enthusiast - Level 1


I understand that verification text cannot be delivered to Message Plus web based account for security purposes.  Do you have an alternative solution for Verizon cusomers who cannot bring their phone to all locations and must use the Message Plus online application for muliti-factor authentication? 

Idea 1:  Add a feature that allows us to add a landline phone number to our verizon account for forwarding verification texts as audible calls.  This might help some users who cannot take their phone to work but do have a desk phone that could receive those codes.

Idea 2: Lett the users decide if they want to remove the security block and allow those verification codes be delivered to the web based app. 

Idea 3: add multi-factor authentication option through a token or land-line code for access to the verizion messages part of the verizon website.  If a user logs in without using the multi-factor method they will not receive the verification codes but if they authenticated through multi-factor to verizon messages then enable the verification codes pass through to the web based app.

These are just some idea's that I have and look forward to anything Verizon can deliver in supporting this issue!


Customer Service Rep

Risaven, I would like to provide the best solution possible. We are always working to improve the technology we offer our customers. However, at this time these are not features that are a part of our network. We truly appreciate the feedback you are providing, it will not go unheard. I would not be able to provide you with a timeframe of if or when something like this would happen. Did this address your concern?
