PIX Place PLS HELP ME Find it again.....
Enthusiast - Level 2

I cannot access my old pix place. It did not expire. The way to find it ???? has changed. I spent two hours on the phone getting really nice customer service and i was assisted to find my pix and albums that still existed there....but when I have tried to do the exact thing i was helped to do by cust. service...it would not work. The way to find the simple FREEEEEE pix place is gonzo...gone...can anyone please help me find my old pix place....I am a thousand years old and only have a samsung alias and only use pix some few times a month but the pics are precious and the Company is now making it impossible to find it....so everyone has to PAY for something that is really free.....help me please....i cannot spend 2 more hours on the phone.....thanks...JOEZOT the elder....and now i probably wont even find this site again for an answer.....

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1 Solution
Enthusiast - Level 2

It's not working.  I've tried a thousand times.  Blank screen.  I want my pictures back dang it all 

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27 Replies
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PIX Place web site:

Multimedia Messaging

then click on Manage Your Photo Albums.

Enthusiast - Level 2

It's not working.  I've tried a thousand times.  Blank screen.  I want my pictures back dang it all 

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That link worked a week or so ago, but Verizon revamped their MyVerizon site a few days ago and now apparently the link is no longer active.

I don't use PIX Place for our basic phones; I transfer the photos to my computer ... that's an option for any photos on your phone, but, of course, it won't help if you've downloaded photos to PIX Place and deleted them off your phone.  I'm wondering if maybe Verizon is moving PIX Place to be part of Backup Assistant?  That would make sense, but I haven't seen anything about it.

Enthusiast - Level 2

This worked...once I could find it.  Verizon has all kinds of Pix Place "support articles" that give instructions that are no longer valid (e.g., "go to www.vzwpix.com").  Doing a search on Pix Place gives old information, that's why people are confused. 

I'm confused about why it sent me a text saying "logon to avoid losing your pictures", when I've never put any pictures up there!!!

Enthusiast - Level 1

I just got the same message today and was very frustrated now to realize it doesn't exist anymore. I spent 1/2 trying to figure out what this was, not happy with Verizon right now!

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The path to get to it has changed several times the past few months.  See if this works:

Log into your on-line MyVerizon account, then at the top where it says MyVerizon, hover over that until you get a pop-up menu.  Select 'View All' under My Messaging.  Scroll toward the bottom and click the red Manage Your Album button.  Hopefully, your photos and other files are there.


I login...do the hover where it says MyVerizon, get pop-up menu....select 'View All' under My Messaging. I do not!!!  get the red Manage Your Album button.  Elsewhere, on another page I find a "manage Your Album" link....when a click that I get a hourglass for a while then a list of my contacts comes up.  Please help.

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Maybe you could try a different browser?  The instructions as written work for me.


This works today as of 10/3/13.  I've spent several hours trying everything I've read here etc and all the Verizon support.  I've seen the spinning white page and have almost lost all hope.  I tried this and it worked beautifully.  It came up with a 'you can now download your images to your computer'.  I will do this and then remove them from here because I've been paying for this storage every month.  I don't need it anymore.  Additionally, I can move over to a new service the Cloud which gives me 500mb free storage or I can pay 5.99 a month for several gig of storage for my pictures and my texts....

Enthusiast - Level 2

hey thank you so much.....i finally got the brain cells rubbing together to get internet explorer for mac and to do what Tinka told me to do...ie look at your link and it worked.......really thank you and sorry I am a jerk....and a real snot......best wishes...joezotsnot

Enthusiast - Level 1

I'm having the same problem (same phone, too!)  Apparently, Verizon doesn't like it when we keep a phone we like for longer than 2 years, because I can't get backup assistant for it anymore, either.  I go to manage my albums, and get a blank white screen, no matter how I get there.

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Some older phones required a software certificate update to retain access to the Media Center catalog, which also provides access to Backup Assistant.  If the software wasn't updated by March 2011, then yes, you now get an error when trying to sync contacts using Backup Assistant.  An alternative is to use bitpim software; it's free at http://www.bitpim.org/

Enthusiast - Level 2

yesterday this link allowed me to access my pix place...


...duh?? but today they made it not work anymore......they don't want us to find that site anymore i guess...seems like typical capitalist racketeering strategy to me.....if i find it again, i will get all the pics printed and not use it again......oh well.....i can't believe there are so few people complaining about this....but they make it difficult......when I looked for the topic pix place on this discussion site......could not find it.....because there was none......


I am having the same problem. I got a text message that I had to go on Pix Place or they would delete my photos. Only problem is when I went to www.vzwpix.com I got nothing. I tried to find it on Verizon wireless site and could not get to it either. I don't know what they are trying to do except make us angry.

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Did you try the link I provided at the top of this thread? 

Enthusiast - Level 2

Yes, that particular one worked. My point is the other links in other threads and in Verizon's support documents DON'T work, and it was a false message to begin with...I never use PixPlace.

Enthusiast - Level 2

Problem *may* be solved.  I had been using Google Chrome and tried Internet Explorer.  Voila.  It works.  Thanks for the help and links.  When I first made my Pix album, I used Chrome all the time to access it including less than 2 weeks ago.  But, whatever works!  I'll take it.  Thanks, again, and am retrieving my photos.  

Enthusiast - Level 2

I tried tikbart's idea but no workey....i even tried chrome......I think the idea is to give up......corporate america is holding us hostage...and it is going to get worse so brace yourselves for it......they wouldnt even publish my last post even though it was quite cordial ........Houston, there is a problem..... ....... i think I give up...which is just what they want......and part of the plan.........So tinkadinkadoo...if i use the internet explored search engine...you think that will fix this problem.....? is that what you are saying...duh...i am old and it is muy dificil for me to understand the tec....i thought google chrome was some special search engine.....so i downloaded it.....but no...you mean use the old internet explorer...huh>>>>>> sorry about the density of the cessos......it will happen to you when you get old i hope NOT>..jz

Enthusiast - Level 2

Hey Joez .. I'm old and wrinkled too.  Yes, that's exactly correct.  I used old, slow Internet Explorer and it worked.  It has worked 3 times now.  I used Chrome for everything else.   You have to sing like Jimmy Durante when you do it, though.  

Enthusiast - Level 2

plus  tikibart must be liking its own answers........because none of those answers work and yet those are getting rated.....three bars......i am new to group talk but someone must like his syntax or something...because his idea no worky.......am i wrong....?? sorry to be so outspoken on Easter.