People having trouble sending me texts, And i'm having trouble sending certain Texts.

I just got my phone on sunday, I've been having problems receiving everyones messages, And sending certain messages. I get " Send failed, would you like to retry? " A lot.. And i have great service where i'm located.

I have the LG ExtraVert, Verizon Prepaid. Unlimited messaging bundle. I have called *228 and pressed 1 and 2, I've factory reset it. I've called Customer support 2 times and neither of the times i could figure out what was wrong.. I just got this phone for my birthday and i'm experiencing these difficulties :\.

I would appreciate all the help i can get..

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1 Reply
Customer Service Rep

Hello to you Kyle_Gebert!

Happy Belated Birthday to you! I want to give you the gift of a working phone. 

I appreciate all of the troubleshooing you've already completed, that would have been everything I would have recommended as well.  As much as I don't want you to have to call again, I can't access prepaid accounts.

I recommend contacting them one more time and speaking with their Technical Support.  It sounds like we may need to file a resolution ticket for your line of service!

Keep me posted!


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