Premium TXT Messaging
Hi does anyone know what this is? (Premium TXT Messaging) and why it costs $9.99? Thanks.
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4 Replies
Supposedly, a third party is offering you access to ringtones, weather and other stuff. Problem is, most people don't know about this service or even use it. Of course you or me or anyone was never told about this. You are basically being scammed by this third party and verizon is a part of this scam. You can block this by logging in to your account.Contact verizon and tell them how displeased you are with being ripped off. I did and that's why i here now!
Specialist - Level 1
Most of these charges are from 3rd party companies and this happens with every single carrier out there and even with landline phones.  Call customer service and request a credit for that charge since it's something you never authorized and have them add the feature "Block Premium SMS".  This feature will block these companies from charging you and I believe will block all sort of text to vote for stuffs.
Master - Level 3

It should be noted that you'll need to cancel any subscription before putting the Premium SMS block. On the bill under the usage detail there should be detail for the Premium SMS charge. There is a 4 or 5 digit shortcode in the description, next to the name of the program. You'll need to send a text message to this number to get it cancelled. Send a message that says "Stop". You should get a message back in less than 1 minute saying that you have been "opted out" or unsubscribed from their service. If you don't get the message right away try; Quit, Cancel, Unsubscribe or End. Be sure to try one word at a time with no punctuation.


Once you receive the confirmation that you're cancelled you can now put the Premium SMS block on your account. And yes, request a credit. Unless you're one of the 5 people who use these things. Then be honest. :smileytongue:

Enthusiast - Level 3

that is **bleep** you sign up for the service, you should be chrg for the serv, vzw is not scamming & neither is the 3rd party. You hav to physically put your telephone number in to the subscribtion, this usually happens when you are looking for any kind of media-wallpaper, rt, rbt, media, videos... (not including vzw media, bc if you were buying the legal licensed for the download this would not be an issue) it just people think they are entitled to "free stuff" so when they get chrg they are wonder why, the reason why is you put your telephone number in & were rightful charge for a service that you did sign up for, but now you are mad bc you were charged, big suprise. & cust serv doesnt not hav to giv you credit, so just to let you know.


But yes you will hav to get unsubscribed to the prem txt messages serv or you will hav the exact same chrg on your bill next month, to get opted out you need to reply to the 5 or 6 digit short code w the word stop canel or quit anyone of those 3 words will definitly work & you should recv a txt back within a few seconds saying you hav been unsubscribed to the serv, then you may call csr to see if you can get a 1xcdt (as long as you hav not got one before) for prem txt messages & then prem txt block will be placed on acct by the cust serv.