Problems with out of order text messages on message +

Ever since a more recent update all of my message + messages are out of order. It's individual texts as well as group chats. Verizon to Verizon and other carriers. I will send a text message, the other person or people will quickly reply to that specific message and their answer will go before my question/text. It basically happens everytime unless there is a larger lag time between messages. I had never had an issue until recently and it is driving me crazy and making it hard for me to keep up with responses. Any suggestions on how to fix this?

1 Reply
Customer Service Rep

We are sorry to hear that you are having issues with your messages being out of order ever since your last Message+ update. We know how important it is to get this corrected especially considering that this is making it harder for you to keep up with your responses, and we will be glad to help you look into the issue to get this corrected. To confirm, have you already tried to use one of the other messaging applications on your device to see if the issue continues? Also, does your device have any physical or liquid damage? DavidR_VZW