Smartphones use internet to reveive and send pix/flix?

i have recently purchased a moto q 9m from my friends father. it works great and everything but when i went to the verizon store to activate the phone i was told "this is an advanced device and with it being an advanced device if i send or recive pics/vids i will be chaged the kb usage"   


im already paying for unlimited text/pix/flix


this doesnt make sense to me 

is this really true

or do they have there facts wrong? 

Message Edited by awesomeDavid on 06-23-2009 09:37 PM
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2 Replies
Specialist - Level 1
Yes, this is true.. and you will be billed the difference.. the only thing is.. is that when i had a smart phone and unlimited texting when i was billed those charges i called and had them removed.. but i had to do that every month.. and it was annoying and it took forever to convince them.
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