Text with multiple recipients automatically converts to multimedia

When I respond to a text that was sent with multiple recipients, my phone converts my text to a multimedia message. I asked Samsung about this and they said the carriers automatically convert messages over a certain number of characters to multimedia. This has happened to me with short messages. The Samsung rep couldn't tell me the character limit for Verizon. I'm not sure her answer makes sense in light of the fact that it happens with short messages, and only messages with multiple recipients. Does anybody have any experience with this?

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14 Replies
Customer Service Rep

Hello xteep,

Text messaging is my favorite method of communication. It's super easy and convenient. If you love text messaging as much as I do then I can certainly understand your concern for group messaging. It will be my pleasure to assist with your text messages. Text messages have a maximum character count of 160 characters. If the message is more than 160 character then either it's sent as 2 separate messages or as a multimedia message. This depends on the make and model device of course. May I ask ae you having issues with your texts? If so then please share as I'm eager to assist.

Thank you...

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Yes. I am having issues with texts.

As I said above, short messages are being converted to multimedia messages. As an example, I replied "K" to my son's message "ready" today and my phone converted my response to multimedia. That obviously does not exceed the 160 character limit. The other day, I tried to send another very short message (in other words, fewer than 160 characters) and the phone tried to convert it to multimedia. This is not consistent with what you described above.

Also, when I respond to a multi-recipient message the phone converts my response, even if very short, to multimedia.

My phone is a Samsung Brightside. I have unlimited text service. The Samsung representative I chatted with could not answer my questions and said those were carrier issues.

Do you have explanations for the above, or a solution? Thanks.

Not applicable

If you send a multi-recipient message, it will be handled as a โ€œGroup Messageโ€ and sent as a multimedia message (regardless of the character count).  If you would prefer to have your messages sent to each recipient individually, you can change this in your messaging app.  Please refer to your device manual for specifics, but if you go into the messaging app, then select settings, there should be an option to send group messages by default which you can disable.  If you send individual messages to each recipient, they can only reply to you and not to the group.  Multimedia messaging is included in most unlimited bundles, check your plan for the specifics.


Thank you! That makes perfect sense!


We have two Samsung Brightsides in our family and they both have the same problem.  Every text message, no matter how long, with multiple recipients is sent as a multimedia message.

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Community Leader

That's by design ... texts with multiple recipients are multimedia messages:

Picture and Video Messaging FAQs | Verizon Wireless


Thank you. That is more helpful than the responses from Samsung and Verizon. I see in FAQ 1 that multimedia messaging allows you to send to multiple recipients, although it does not say directly that texts with multiple recipients are automatically multimedia messages. 

I have also had unusual experiences with text messages being converted to multimedia when they are going to one recipient and are very short. This is not consistent with anything in the FAQs or any responses from Verizon or Samsung; I guess I will chalk it up to abnormal phone behavior. Smiley Happy

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Community Leader

xteep wrote:

...  I have also had unusual experiences with text messages being converted to multimedia when they are going to one recipient and are very short. This is not consistent with anything in the FAQs or any responses from Verizon or Samsung; I guess I will chalk it up to abnormal phone behavior. Smiley Happy

Some things that may cause a message to be considered "multimedia" -

  • Attaching a signature
  • Special formatting (italics, special font, colors)
  • Smilies or other emoticons
  • Using a third party texting app that allows or adds any of the above features

There must be more to it than what's in the FAQ.  My Samsung Brightsides both send texts with multiple recipients as "picture messages".  My Samsung Intensity II and Pantec Jest do not: text messages to multiple recipients are sent as text.  Receiving messages on the Intensity II and the Jest is a lot faster than on the newer phones.

Specialist - Level 3

If you have unlimited messaging, why do you care if they're sent as MMS or SMS?


What an interesting question. A friend with a new Brightside was having the same experience and asked me if I knew why her phone was doing this. I could not answer her question so I asked Samsung and Verizon for information. I became more curious when the answers from Samsung and Verizon were inconsistent with what I was experiencing.

Specialist - Level 3

Fair enough. Maybe an odd question: does the Brightside behave significantly differently when sending MMS? most phones I've owned, I can't tell the difference unless I'm actively looking for it.


Sorry if I'm barging in here, but I'm have similar questions/issues.  In my case, the multimedia messages take significantly longer to load than the plain text messages do.  Plain text (is that SMS?) messages download more or less instantaneously.  MMS takes anywhere from 5 to 20 seconds to load, even when the message is short.  So, my main issue with MMS is that for my phones I spend too much time watching the 'spinner' rotate while the message downloads.  I'm wondering if they take more space in memory, but I don't know how to check.  Other than that, and assuming MMS doesn't cost any more than SMS, I don't have a real problem with it.


I agree with jkblack; MMS seem to take a little longer, although mine probably doesn't take quite as long as what you describe. Also, my phone is more likely to prompt me for additional recipients when I'm responding to a MMS. If I'm in a hurry and don't notice, I might begin typing my message into the recipient spot - user error, of course, but it takes a little time to clear the "message" and re-enter it into the correct block. The phone is inconsistent (or at least I haven't discovered the pattern yet) about when it prompts for additional recipients; it doesn't prompt me with every MMS response, and it seems to prompt occasionally with single. Otherwise, like jkblack, it's not really an issue for me.