Texts Messages Not Sending

I'm having a problem with my text messages not sending as well.  At first I thought it was just my group messages.  I always get a notification that there's a "background restriction. click to remove".  The clicking always worked before.  Now, all types of messaging will NOT send.  This is quite frustrating. FIX ASAP please.

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The "background restriction" is likely due to your cellular data being turned OFF, whether purposely, or by using a battery saver/app manager program....  MMS (group, picture, even a signature, etc) won't send over wifi, you must have the cellular data enabled.

I never had this issue till I installed a battery manager program; it turned off my 4G/cellular and did NOT turn it back on when I tried to send a pic message, I just got the message you got.  I have since uninstalled; my Droid 4 seems to manage switching between 4G and wifi quite well without Juice Defender, and my battery life is acceptable.  I was just trying to see if I could improve it. 

But I digress - I think your issue can be solved by turning on your cellular data. What phone are you using?