Unmuting messages for good
Enthusiast - Level 2

I have a problem with my phone recently it created two message "windows"  on the message+ app, for one contact I could read messages on the window that had my contact's profile but I couldn't reply to the messages on that particular window, I had to do it on the other window it created with the phone number and I could only do that, reply to the messages.

Now I am unable to hear the messages coming from that contact only if I reply to the messages being exchanged, I have read forums about this muting problem, tried everything in there, even resseting the phone to it's original settings and nothing seems to help, every time I unmute it, automatically it goes back to mute inmediately after replying to the message and only for this contact.

I have an Galaxy S8 eveything updated, someone please help.

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11 Replies
Customer Service Rep
Enthusiast - Level 2

I'm sorry too that the app has done so also, because I really liked it and still would like to use it, I have done everything from removing contact following the instructions that you sent before you even sent them.

Resetting all settings to default, by that losing all custom settings I had, it doesn't matter if I remove the contact from my contacts even with the number unsaved it still will mute all of the messages received from that number immediately after I reply, then I have to unmute right away or I will not hear the notification, which is another issue I have with my phone.

Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone

Customer Service Rep

We do appreciate everything that you have tried, conundrum2k2. Did anything change on the device when the problem started? Is the application up to date? http://spr.ly/6589DRogL


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If my response answered your question please click the �Correct Answer� button under my response. This ensures others can benefit from our conversation. Thanks in advance for your help with this!!

Enthusiast - Level 2

Really? Is that all you "technical support" people can do? I mean just read and follow protocol, first you react and say that this error is "unheard of" and send dead links to troubleshoot.

Yes my message+ app is has been and will be up to date as long as there are updates and that's exactly where all my troubles started, with three previous update.

No matter what I do, whether it is disable the app, which for that I have to uninstall any updates first, and disable it, restart the phone, re-enable the app, after that it updates itself automatically.

Nothing works, it still mutes only that particular number that I never in the first place put on mute, it's frustrating.

Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone

Enthusiast - Level 1

I was having the same issue. This is what I did: I unmuted the conversation, then immediately uninstalled and then reinstalled the app. It worked. I'm getting my messages again. I hope it works. 


I have the same problem with my Apple Phone.  I was going to call Apple as I thought it was an issue with the phone but now I see it's a Verizon issue.  I finally got it to stop having two windows but still not getting alerts from some numbers.  I did everything I could from the settings and reinstalled the contacts with the issue but still not getting alerts.   What can be done now?

Customer Service Rep

Sorry to see that you are experiencing the same problem, cml3c1. This is definitely not the type of experience we want you to have with your messages. Just to confirm, are you also using the Message+ app or the standard text app that came with the phone? If so, have you made sure the phone's/application software are up to date? What color is the slider button on the left side of the phone above the volume keys?




Follow us on TWITTER @VZWSupport If my response answered your question please click the Correct Answer button under my response. This ensures others can benefit from our conversation. Thanks in advance for your help with this!

Enthusiast - Level 1

I have a Galaxy  S9+ and happens only to one work contact. It mutes his text immediately when he messages me or Even calls me His text will mute.  I have done everything recommended from deletion of conversations to deleting the app and reinstall days later.  To removing the contact and putting him back in days later I even removed app again while his profile was deleted.  I unlinked him from every aspect I could find a tag in my phone to him.  Text messages about him, facebook, pictures,  emails, his girlfriends account,  I even tried to put his profile back in as a different name with limited information so it looks like someone else unfortunately had to keep his number, he does work with me so I could not eliminate him entirely from work tags etc.  But wow how far do I have to go to keep his messages from mute.  It seems to be attached to his number but Verizon tech says that it's not possible.  Any new ideas would be appreciated.  It does not mute his ring tone from calls or messenger on facebook.  Just message plus.  So I do realize it could be the app.  It's went past annoying to now I just really need to know how to fix it and why it is happening and what causes it.  

Customer Service Rep

Thank you for the information. Being able to hear text coming in is important, and we are here to assist you. Can you please clarify which texting app you are using? AlbertP_VZW

Enthusiast - Level 1

I am having the same problem on my Note8. The issue I believe, is the contact that is continually muted is marked as mute on verion messages online. I have not found a way to unmute a contact through the web browser. If this can be done I think it will solve the issue on my phone. Please advise, the contact is my wife, and she hates being ignored because she is muted!

Enthusiast - Level 1

after talking with verizon for over an hour, they couldn't solve it. I did find that the mute turned on instantly after sending a txt from my phone. So I knew it was something wrong with the app on my phone. I uninstalled Message +, then reinstalled and new it does not mute anymore! Fixed!