VZ Messages Pin: ##### "Just might have a fix"

Hey Everyone,

I'm sure i'm not the only one getting those annoying msgs that come at the worst times ever and back to back to back to back and so on. We'll I might have just stumbled on a fix.

Forum Admin - please verifiy this but ---- "Call or Chat with Support and Ask them to Block the number 900080004102."

I jumped on Support Chat today and explained the situation to the rep. He told me he is going to block that number. Wow! This is not the first time I contacted support on this but definitely the first and best answer so far.

I'm sure this doesnt 'really' fix the issue but on our side...the user. IF THIS WORKS...At least we can stop being annoyed.

Furthermore: After hearing the word Block, I remembered my messaging app has a "BlackList" feature...Yep. I blacklisted that number too.

Hopefully that helps! Even more...HOPEFULLY IT WORKS!

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