Where can we go to start or sign a complaint about the Messaging App?
Enthusiast - Level 3

I saw some one who posted a link to complain about the non functioning Messaging + app? Was it the BBB or some place else? I can't remember but after 5 days of this and me missing out on a very important text this morning that really cost me I'm done with being patient and nice. No way should we have to turn off wifi every time we want to send a text.

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8 Replies
Enthusiast - Level 2

I'm curious as well to where I can file a complaint [Removed].  BBB, might be a good place to start, as we're paying for a service that's not working properly.

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Enthusiast - Level 1

The supposed "fix" to the Messages+ is nothing of the sort. As of now, two of my contacts highlight in blue and show "Chat" instead of "SMS". I cannot send or receive text messages from these contacts unless my wifi or data is turned on. If both are turned off and I try to text, it shows as "Sending" but does not send unless I turn on wifi or data. I have unlimited talk and TEXT. I should not be forced to use data when wifi is unavailable and be charged for a feature that is already built in to my plan. I've attempted all of the fixes that helped other people and none of them have worked. Verizon, why will you not fix this problem?

Customer Service Rep

Hello All,

Text messaging is something I rely on everyday and would be concerned too if I were having any issues with it. Please ensure your Messages+ app is updated to version 6.4.4 on both your phone, and the Verizon Wireless user you are attempting to text. When sending a message to a Messages+ user, the button will display โ€œChat.โ€ Once both phones have been updated, please let us know what happens when you attempt to send a message.

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If my response answered your question please click the _Correct Answer_ button under my response. This ensures others can benefit from our conversation. Thanks in advance for your help with this!!

Enthusiast - Level 3

This is a typical canned answer from the [Removed]. Apparently the dozens off messages on here and the thousands of bad reviews on Google play are not being noticed.

Give us the option to turn off CHAT and pinky go with TEXT/SMS.


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Enthusiast - Level 2

This is ridiculous.  How the heck am I going to control what OTHER PEOPLE update?

REMOVE THE CHAT FUNCTION FROM THE APP AND REVERT BACK TO SMS/MMS.  It's really that simple, Verizon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Then your customers will be happy again.

Until you do that, THIS WILL BE A HUGE PROBLEM!!!!!!!!!!!!

Enthusiast - Level 3

They have pushed three updates and none of them have fixed the problem. I called customer service and they wanted me to shut down the phone, take out the sim card and reboot, turn on wifi calling, etc. Which is very frustrating for a consumer who text messages were working properly before Verizon pushed a new update. If the update required a reboot and taking out of the sim card or turning on wifi calling (none of which worked) why wasn't that passed to the customer before, during or after the update. Just proves the reps are clueless and all they did was waste my time for something that Verizon broke. I was trying to be patient about it but sent a very important text this morning to come back from a meeting a few hours later to see it still in the "sending" status. Cost me a lot and the only thing I can say is ummmmm Verizon broke their text app I'm sorry. Very unprofessional and unnecessary. I just don't know if this is a BBB complaint, consumer affairs complaint or whatever??

Enthusiast - Level 3

I sent am email to the CEO of the company last night:


Good evening Mr McAdam, I hope this evening finds you well.  I own a small business and we rely on our cell phones to conduct business via talk, text, email, etc.

However, your company released a new update to the Verizon Message+ app.  Many of our employees have the app and there have been no issues until the CHAT update was forced down our throats.

What happens is if you have the app, but it is not your default text app, you will miss messages from people who text you since it gets sent via CHAT.

The other text apps don't see it. This is a problem. Why would anyone want to use an app that you don't get your messages?  I have asked numerous customer service representatives and sent many messages but no one seems to care.

Well, I have 4 personal cell phones and over 50 business phones with Verizon.  I also own two range extenders because Verizon service is spotty at my home and office.  I pay a lot of money to your company.

This CHAT app is horrible.  It forces us to use CHAT instead of TEXT.  This might be the straw that broke the camel's back and make us switch carriers.

Take a look at the reviews on Google play and also on the Verizon forum. People don't like the app.  CHAT is good if you are a teen, not if you are an adult not living in your parents basement, and especially not by an adult who runs a business.

Please take a look at the reviews and feedback.  It used to be my favorite app, now it might cause me to leave Verizon.

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Message edited by Verizon Moderator

Enthusiast - Level 3

I got a call back from Verizon about the problem. But there is no ETA on when it will be fixed. I gave up and have been using Google Messenger for text until it's fixed. I did ask why they couldn't just back down to the working version before the update on the 1st of February and was told because other other things included in this update they can't which I understand being in IT. So wait is the only option for the ones still experiencing the problem. My phone is a Samsung 6 Edge.