Why am I unable to receive text alerts on the Galaxy S9+ using Message+?
Enthusiast - Level 3

I just purchased the S9 + last week and noticed that when I'm on a call, I do not receive an alert notifying me when I receive a text message using Verizon's Message+. The text message will come through but there isn't a sound or vibration that notifies me that someone texted me.  I did trouble shooting with tech support, made sure all sounds were on, made sure "Notify while on a call" was turned on, force stopped the application, deleted and reinstalled the application, reset my setting to factory and still nothing is working. I even had the tech check to see if he had the same issue using his Note 8 with the Message + app and he too is having the same issue and so is a friend of mines who has the S8+. It could possibly be a glitch with Message + and the new Oreo Software. I hope Verizon fixes this glitch soon. It's frustrating to have to keep pressing the power key while I'm on a call to see if you have a missed text. This has nothing to do with users using iMessage. I haven't checked this issue with email alerts. I'm most concerned about being notified via sound/vibration when I receive a text while on a call.

Please advise if this issue is being looked into to.

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14 Replies
Customer Service Rep

Hi Tracci, I understand the importance of receiving Message+ alerts whenever they're sent. Allow us to troubleshoot. What's your zip code? When did you start having issues with Message+ alerts? Are you receiving alerts from other applications? What changes (uploads, downloads, etc...) have you made to your device? What troubleshooting steps have you performed so far?

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Enthusiast - Level 3

Zip code is 92504

I noticed this issue when I got the phone on 06 07 18

On Fri, Jun 15, 2018, 3:37 PM vzw_customer_support <

Customer Service Rep

Tracci, I understand the importance in making sure your text notifications are working. This has been lifted up to the manufacture for a possible fix. Meanwhile, we'll like for you to complete the following:


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Enthusiast - Level 3

No changes were made to the phone. 2 other people in my circle are

experiencing the same issue.

On Fri, Jun 15, 2018, 3:37 PM vzw_customer_support <

Enthusiast - Level 3

I'm still having the same issue. No text message notification when I'm on a call, even with the option "Receive notifications when on a call" turned on. Is Verizon looking into a software update to fix this issue and/or has Verizon tested this issue with being on a call and having someone text them using message+?

It's frustrating not receiving my notifications when I'm on a call and/or having to keep checking the phone to see if someone has sent a text while I'm on a call because I'm unable to get an immediate notification. Again, one of your reps tested this issue and had the same problem with his S8, so there isn't a glitch with my phone. There's a glitch with message+.

Customer Service Rep


Your partnership with us in troubleshooting is greatly appreciated. I'm sorry to read that you & others are having this problem where you don't hear a text alert come through while you're on a call. Allow me to step in to help. I know that you said that you reset your settings to factory. Can you please explain what you mean by that? Also, when you have your phone set to Safe Mode, does this problem still happen? Here are the steps for putting your phone in Safe Mode: https://www.verizonwireless.com/support/knowledge-base-216817/ Safe Mode will disable all 3rd party apps so we can see if this triggers this problem. (To turn Safe Mode off, you will just turn your phone completely off & then back on.) Please share your results.



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Enthusiast - Level 3

Nothing works. I just keep getting responses from Verizon asking me to try

options that I’ve already tried before creating this community chat. Is

there anyone there who could test this issue with someone with the same

phone to determine whether this is a global issue? I tried safe mode,

factory reset, etc., every option giving by your 2nd level technicians.

Your rep tested it on his phone and experienced the same issue. Can you do

the same?

On Sat, Jul 21, 2018 at 12:17 PM vzw_customer_support <

Customer Service Rep

Tracci, we totally understand the need to get this issue resolved. At this time testing your messages with the Native Messaging app would be needed. 


Also, if you have Bixby enabled on your phone, that function of the phone can interfere with the notifications from Message+. Testing your phone with Bixby disabled would be a good step to try as well.


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Enthusiast - Level 3

I disabled bixby on my phone and it still didn't fix the problem. Did you

test that option before telling me that should work?

I'm just getting frustrated with receiving these responses telling me to

try different things that the rep hasn't tested his/herself to see if it

will actually fix the problem. This is a global issue with message+ that

someone needs to test and figure out what will actually fix the issue and

then send a response.

On Thu, Jul 26, 2018, 10:06 AM vzw_customer_support <

Customer Service Rep


We don't want you to miss any important notifications while you're on a call. Is your device connected to our cellular data network or Wi-Fi when you have this issue?

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Enthusiast - Level 3

It doesn’t work either way.

On Sat, Jul 28, 2018 at 11:06 AM vzw_customer_support <

Customer Service Rep

Tracci, I appreciate your time and patience with us as we want only the best for you. Our Product Team has worked with Samsung and Message+ to determine the app is not able to enable the notifications and will not play a sound or vibrate while on a call. The latest version of Message+ available on the Play Store no longer has the selection for "Notifications while on a call." I will make sure your feedback is heard so we can continue working to improve the app.

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I have this problem, too, and I hate it.  If I use the Samsung Messages app, I will get the notification.  But I prefer Verizon Message Plus, but can't stand that there's no notification of texts while on a phone call.  I miss so many important texts and they really need to work on getting this fixed.

Enthusiast - Level 3

Yes so far I haven’t had any luck with Verizon trying to fix it. There was

really no reason to remove this feature from the app because users already

have an option to turn off notifications when they’re on a call. It really

sucks to have to keep looking at your phone to see if you missed anything

while you’re on a call. I hope they fix it too because this is a big strike

against the Verizon message plus app.

On Tue, Aug 21, 2018 at 7:22 AM swatkins1429 <forums@verizonwireless.com>