go to vzwpix.com
Enthusiast - Level 1
Why do I keep receiving txt msg, "You've got a PIX or FLIX message! To see it, visit www.vzwpix.com from an internet accessible computer & follow the directions"? When I got to the website, there are no directions and there are no pictures or videos to view? Please help, it's driving me nuts...
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3 Replies
Community Leader
Community Leader

Do you have picture messaging enabled on your phone?  Do you have a MyVerizon account?


If you do have an account set up with MyVerizon, then at the vzwpix site, click on Sign In, and go to Manage My Albums.  There you should see the photos that have been sent to you.


If you don't, then use your cell phone number to create an account, and then log in and view your pictures.  If yo do have picture messaging on your phone, call CS to see why the pix aren't coming to your phone directly.

Enthusiast - Level 1

I just switched to Verizon now for two months and these messages are coming to my phone if it don’t stop I will draft a class action lawsuit VERIZON is doing this to sell their apps services I have had this number for years and never got these kind of texts until I got Verizon service it’s them selling our information. 

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