
I am running on a Window 8.1 system and after several hours I can only access some google sites via chrome or IE, while no other access to the internet via PING, Outlook, or other programs works. I typically see in the Windows Event Viewer two Event IDs.
* 4231 for SOURCE=Tcpip which says "A request to allocate an ephemeral port number from the global TCP port space has failed due to all such ports being in use."
* 4227 for SOURCE=Tcpip which says "TCP/IP failed to establish an outgoing connection because the selected local endpoint was recently used to connect to the same remote endpoint. This error typically occurs when outgoing connections are opened and closed at a high rate, causing all available local ports to be used and forcing TCP/IP to reuse a local port for an outgoing connection. To minimize the risk of data corruption, the TCP/IP standard requires a minimum time period to elapse between successive connections from a given local endpoint to a given remote endpoint."

Researching this, I used command "NETSTAT -NAO" and found over 100+ TCP connections in a State=CLOSE_WAIT using one Process ID (PID), which looking up in the Task Manager turned out to be programs "Verizon Message Plus - WINVMACLIENT.EXE". I then stopped the program and then the CLOSE_WAIT connections disappeared and full internet access returned immediately. The programs does not cleaning up after itself and needs to go back to the developers. Google ports remain still available but new connections cannot be made.

Temporary alternate possible solutions mentioned at suggests updating/creating registry entry:
* HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters\MaxUserPort to DWORD=0x2710 (10000) Reference

   I have implemented a decimal value of 10000 and the problem has not occurred in over 10 hours.

* HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters\TcpTimedWaitDelay to DWORD=0x1E (30 Seconds, not the 240 second default). Reference

Symptoms: After several hours I can only access some google sites via chrome or IE, while no other access to the internet via PING, Outlook, or other programs works.

Research: After reviewing Windows Event logs for several weeks ir came across the actual problem. It is recreatable. Let MessagePlus run over 6-8 hours on WIN 8.1 and run if internet access is lost on non-Google sites, then run NETSTAT cmd above to see CLOSE_Waits and restart  WINVMACLIENT.EXE.

Temp Solution: Restart WINVMACLIENT.EXE to clear CLOSE-WAIT or implement MaxUserPort=10000.

Request to VZW Development Team: fix the program to cleanup itself on CLOSE=WAIT TCP connections. Read the links provided.

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4 Replies
Customer Service Rep

Hi DF03438K,

We want your device to work properly! Thanks for the update. We can definitely pass this feedback along.


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If my response answered your question please click the ๏ฟฝCorrect Answer๏ฟฝ button under my response. This ensures others can benefit from our conversation. Thanks in advance for your help with this!!


Please keep me posted on what your development team comes up with a solution.


Has this issue been assigned to a Support team to review and do you have an ETA?


Five (5) months and the problem still exists, on Windows 8.1 and now 10.   Where is VZW support? You developed a tool that leaves ports taking space and preventing network activity. SLOPPY CODING.