Can the voicemail app get a notepad?

When listening to a voicemail, the caller usually gives some information (phonenumber, address, name, etc.) How do you record this so that you can refer to it later? Please don't say "write it on paper" -- that's antiquated!

If you try to use another app (e.g. a note-taking app), the message stops. Of course, you could try to remember it, and enter it in your note app. May have to listen to the vm again, and go back to the note app.


No one has thought of some kind of notepad feature for vm apps? Yes, I searched The Play Store; all kinds of apps that brag about fancy features. But I didn't see any that had this simple feature.

What would it take for vm app designers to implement some kind of note-taking feature in the app?

Or, am I missing something here?

Re: Can the voicemail app get a notepad?
Customer Service Rep

Your feedback is critical to us, Michael-K. We will ensure this feedback gets addressed internally for the future. In the meantime, there is an option to  transcribe your voicemails and  be delivered as texts so you can read on the go. You can can find more details here:

