Account Suspended - Can't get old email

I cancelled my wireless DSL because I didn't need it anymore since I was moving to another place that already had DSL.  Later that afternoon I realized that my email had been "suspended" and after 2 phones calls I was told it was impossible to get my mail back and also that they couldn't release my username for 30 days because I can go under a family member's verizon account and create the same email address.

This is just plain retarded that I can't get my mail.  I order diabetic supplies etc that I need to have the contact information from and my contacts were also deleted.

They are telling me they can't unlock an account even if I reactivate my account?  I've seen other messages like this on the forums but I really don't see an answer.

Please help.

22 Replies
Master - Level 1

Weezy.....They can unlock the account for you. Service would have to be established. Now it might be true that they can't move it if its a primary to a sub account under your relatives account we can only move from primary to primary and sub to sub.

Enthusiast - Level 3

If I hear from one more technician that they'll call me within 48 hours to tell me my account is working, I'm going to scream! Doesn't Verizon keep a record of how to solve this problem so that the many times that it happens, technicians can fix it without reinventing the wheel?

Enthusiast - Level 3

This is the second time my email account has been suspended. Nobody at Verizon knows how to fix it. It took 2 WEEKS last time and now I'm on my second day without email. I looked on old forums and there are tons of people who have this same problem with Verizon. It's unbelievable that no one at Verizon Tech knows how to unsuspend an account. They sure knew how to suspend it.

Enthusiast - Level 3

I'm on my fifth call in 24 hours to try to get my Verizon email account unsuspended. Each technician says it's fine and then I try to log on and it still says it's suspended. No one at Verizon knows how to unsuspend an account? Does Verizon really want tech people on the phone for hours not fixing a problem? That seems expensive.

Contributor - Level 1


I’m sorry to see that you’ve had so much trouble getting your account turned back on and corrected.  I will need to get your account information to assist with this issue.  I'm sending you a PM.

Thank you,


Enthusiast - Level 3

Well, this is a first. My email was unsuspended, worked all day, and now it says it's suspended again. Unbelievable!

Enthusiast - Level 3

Still not working.  I wonder how it gets suspended, unsuspended, and suspended yet again. Baffling.

Enthusiast - Level 3

My subaccount works. But I'm sure when my primary account is unsuspended the subaccount will be suspended again. Can't seem to get things fixed at Verizon.

Enthusiast - Level 3

Hello Verizon. My account is still unsuspended! Where is Verizon. Smoke signals will have to replace my email for now I guess.

Enthusiast - Level 3

At least when Verizon customers search for solutions to their account suspension, they will have more posts like this. They'll know that this is common. Because when it happens, you think it must be some rare fluke that no one at Verizon knows how to fix it. But it turns out if you google "Verizon email suspended" it's happened to lots of people. You get 1 million, 600 thousand results. You'd think with that much chatter about it online, that Verizon would add a line in their tech support manual on how to fix it. So when people like me call frustrated someone will know how to fix it. Not so. They just can't figure it out.

Moderator Emeritus

As this thread is now over two years old, it will be locked in order to keep discussions current. If you have the same or a similar question/issue we invite you to start a new thread on the topic.

Enthusiast - Level 3

I'm on the phone with Tech Support yet again and they're trying to reinvent the wheel yet again. Simply amazing that this problem is so common and yet no one at Verizon knows how to fix it.

Enthusiast - Level 3

48 hours and counting....

Enthusiast - Level 3

72 hours and my email is still not working. I got a call from Verizon today asking me if it was fixed.

Enthusiast - Level 3

I wonder if it's legal to suspend a customer's account if you don't know how to unsuspend it. I've had this email account for 12 years and changing it would be a big hassle, plus I have no access to my inbox or contacts. Every time a Verizon tech support person says "Thank you for choosing Verizon" I want to say "I would never CHOOSE Verizon." I only have it because it's the only phone service in my area.

Enthusiast - Level 3

What is a PM and when are you sending it?

Moderator Emeritus

Your Private Message Inbox should look like this --

and you can find it at the top right of any page on the verizon residential forums. 

Enthusiast - Level 3

Day 7 with NO EMAIL. Every tech support person I talk to says it appears that it's enabled, yet every time I try to log on, it says my account is suspended and to contact tech support. This is ridiculous. 7 days and they can't fix it.

Enthusiast - Level 3

After 8 1/2 days, my email is accessible. Yay!


I'm having the same problem, a suspended sub account that non one is able to fix. I started to work on this problem last week and have spent countless hours on the phone with Verizon. On Tuesday 8/5 I was told by Kevin {edited for privacy} that a ticket would have to be opened and would take 3-4 days resolve (not ideal, but at least it might get fixed...?).  I insisted that somone commit to a follow up with me as I have had similar problems in the past with Verizon where a tech would tell me he/she is going to call me back within the hour only to NEVER hear from him again. How is this possible???? Is there no accountability within Verizon? Angel {edited for privacy} committed that he would call me back on Saturday and would try to reach me multiple times to check up on the situation and ensure it had been resolved, so I believed him..... I never heard from this guy again and had my phone with me all day. I tried calling tech support over the weekend to work this issue on my personal time and was not able to get anyone on the phone and was advised I need to call during normal business hours. I HAVE A JOB during the week.

So today today I sucked it up and spent TWO HOURS on the phone with Ben {edited for privacy} who at least stayed on the phone with me throughout the call only to answer at then end of the call that too long of a time had passed before I notified Verizon of the problem and now the account could no longer be unsuspended. (The subaccount was forwarding emails to my main account) so I did not realize right away it had been suspended.

The way it stands right now, is too sad for me, I can't have my email address back, because no one can figure out how to unsuspend it....REALLY??

To make things more interesting, they were previously able to unlock one of my other subaccounts after the mysterious "deadline" I'm not buying that it can't be done.

