Can't log on to verizon site to get email! Very frustrating!
3 Replies
Specialist - Level 2

Try going to Tools-Internet Options-Check delete browsing history and the then remove the x from "Preserve favorite Website data"  It worked for me on twh computers running IE8.

Enthusiast - Level 3

I had been in touch with customer support from east to west coast's and very few supervisors are aware of this. One recent week ago, a high level support person said the servers are too few and they are designing and planing to upgrade them but without any complete date. So, the reply was, maybe a few months or a year.

For the time being, they are throttling email speeds to 1.5 down/1.5 up on webmail at all times and via email client software (outlook etc) it will vary depending on time of day. Faster at night, slower in daytime or business hours.

I believe this is decieving to all customers as I'm sure no one is getting any discount on their Fios Internet billing. I have asked for credits however, trouble tickets need to be generated first to make it easy for billing to verify there is a tech issue filed/pending on your account.

All I can say is, send written letters to the CEO of Verizon, Lowell C. McAdam:

Specialist - Level 2

Try what I suggested in another post.  It came right from a Verizon Escalation perason and it worked for me and several others. 

Try going to Tools-Internet Options-Check delete browsing history and  then remove the X from "Preserve favorite Website data"  It worked for me on two computers running IE8.