Cannot log in to Web Mail from Puerto Rico
Enthusiast - Level 2

Verizon tech support and the supervisor told me I cannot log in to web mail from Puerto Rico because it is not part of the US ????? **bleep** are you kidding me.....Anyone else having this problem?  Telling me to use a third party email client.

gee does gmail do the same thing or apple mail or any other mail provider I think not........

1 Reply
Enthusiast - Level 1


See the ongoing forum "Cannot access Verizon email while overseas"

This problem apparently started in 2014 and as you can see from the 5 pages a lot of people have been affected in various countries.  If you call on the phone you are actually lucky if you get someone who even acknowledges the problem.  The last time I called I actually got an overseas agent who was aware of the problem and said I needed to ask to be "whitelisted" even though this would not be a practical solution as my IP address overseas would not be known until I and my computer got there and I would have no way of communicating with Verizon because Verizon would not let me access my email.  They then said they were transferring me to a US agent to request the "whitelist".  Needless to say the agent here had no idea what I was talking about and I had to start explaining all over again that I could not access my email on my computer in London.  She put me on hold and then came back and said it was because the cell towers didn;t reach London!!!!!  When I asked what cell towers had to do with my computer she put me on hold and then disconnected the call.   It really is awful customer service but no one at Verizon seems to care.

You can certainly use Gmail without a problem in London and I think you probably can in PR.