Compromised contacts list

Recently, an unauthorized  spam e-mail emanated from my Verizon account to a number of people. Some of the recipients are not even in my local contact list. Obviously, I received numerous frustrated responses. The memo said it was sent from mobile.

After doing some tracking, it seems that when I travel and use the "web" e-mail service from Verizon, my sent messages have accumulated in the "sent file" on the Verizon web site..... no issue with that. However, this file appears to have been compromised.

The names on the spam distribution were the addressee's and their associated contacts that were in that "sent file" on Verizon's web based e-mail service. No one on my local contact list was impacted unless they were in that sent file. I have used the "web" e-mail service from several different locations around the country over a year long period. In fact the last time the web e-mail was used was 3 months ago, but the spam message went out yesterday.

I've notified Verizon through an e-mail (not easy to do). I'd advise users of the on-line e-mail service to be cautious.

11 Replies
Enthusiast - Level 1

I just set up my Contacts on the Verizon website yesterday and a spam email went out. One person responded to me and I also got a "non-deliverable" notice for a couple of bad email addresses.

This is ridiculous. What kind of security does Verizon have?

And, yes, Tom K, it is near impossible to figure out how to send an email to Verizon. I figure they do not want to be bothered, so they make it that way. I still have not figured it out.

Enthusiast - Level 1

I should have added a couple of clarifying comments. I know it is the Verizon web email as the origin because the names in the notification included only those with the Contacts I set up yesterday, not my locally stored email contacts in Outlook.

Champion - Level 3

@Psallo wrote:

I should have added a couple of clarifying comments. I know it is the Verizon web email as the origin because the names in the notification included only those with the Contacts I set up yesterday, not my locally stored email contacts in Outlook.

All that means is that someone has obtained your username and password. Change your password and secret question/answer. Also run a scan for any viruses/keyloggers on any pc you've used to check your email.


Somegirl, if what you say regarding username and password is true, why would the spam only go to names in an old "sent" file that was left on Verizon's web site. Why months later? And why not to contacts in my current inbox which is on the same site?

Thanks for responding, however the age old "change your password" answer because the problem is yours is not a logical explanation nor an acceptable one. Somehow that old file was compromised on the Verizon site.

The frustration on my end is that there is no easy way to ask Verizon to look at the issue. Kind of like BOA telling their customers it was their own fault their credit card info was stolen. Head in the sand mentality. 

Champion - Level 3

@TomK1 wrote:

Somegirl, if what you say regarding username and password is true, why would the spam only go to names in an old "sent" file that was left on Verizon's web site. Why months later? And why not to contacts in my current inbox which is on the same site?

Thanks for responding, however the age old "change your password" answer because the problem is yours is not a logical explanation nor an acceptable one. Somehow that old file was compromised on the Verizon site.

The frustration on my end is that there is no easy way to ask Verizon to look at the issue. Kind of like BOA telling their customers it was their own fault their credit card info was stolen. Head in the sand mentality. 

Because when they get your username and password, that gives them access to your account, but not your computer. They can access your webmail with that information, but not your local email client.



Somegirl wrote:

Because when they get your username and password, that gives them access to your account, but not your computer. They can access your webmail with that information, but not your local email client.


I understand the different email systems, however if hackers can access my Verizon account, why would they only use contacts from a year old sent file and not use the current inbox that holds all the current emails that Verizon forwards to my local email client. Doesn't make sense to me. Another batch of spam e-mails to the same group was sent out this morning from the Verizon account. I've changed the password, however I believe the problem is within Verizon. I need evidence to believe this is my fault.

Maybe if enough people get driven away from using the Verizon email system, then they'll have enough time to look into these problems. BTW, I found another thread on here (Hacked email) where others are experiencing the same problem.  


The same thing happened to me last night. E-mail contacts from my Verizon Webmail sent file were affected. Thanks for posting this message--I have been searching internet trying to find out what systems might be affected and your hypothesis that it is a Verizon Webmail security breach makes the most sense. Please let me know if you get resolution with Verizon and I will do the same.


Same thing happened to me yesterday. Mail was sent to recipients in my sent mail. I only use webmail.

I changed my passwords to be safe. No virus on my machined. Well 3 AV products and a anti malware product say no viruses. 

I have saw other posts that this has been going on for some time. Very disappointing. It certainly seems targeted at Verizon. The email sent "from me" had a signature say it was from my Verizon phone.


I changed to a new computer and lost my contact list.

How do I recover the list?

Enthusiast - Level 2

 My problem is a little different. I am getting spam mail FROM people on my contact list.  It doesn't give their email addresses just their names. And what ever is sent pops up with a warning from Verizon of an unsafe website.  I have warned my contacts. 

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