E-Mails not being Received from Specific Senders
Enthusiast - Level 1

Hi - I am no longer receiving e-mail newsletters sent out through GODaddy.  It looks like the information from them stopped coming mid October.  Although GoDaddy has sent me multiple Home Owner Association Newsletters since then, none have come through.  Also, all other Verizon Customers in our Subdivision are experiencing the same problem.  Any ideas what could be causing this and how to fix??

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Possibly Godaddy posts being mistaken for SPAM.  Also possible they have been mistakely blacklisted.  Check your spam folders and make sure your verizon spam filters save messages rather than just deleting them.  Ask Godaddy to confirm they have been sending posts and if necessary have them ask Verizon to whitelist them.  http://my.verizon.com/micro/whitelist/RequestForm.aspx?id=isp