Email Not Working - Verizon does not know why - No Solution.

I am a FIOS internet customer for a number of years and have stopped receiving email 2 days ago. Verizon is my internet provided and is my email hosting service. There is a problem somewhere between the two companies but eaqch of them points a finger at the other and has no idea when the problem will be fixed because they are waiting for the other to fix it. I beluieve the problem is that some customer is generating a bunch of emails and Verizon has decided to block them by blocking the entire IP address with every user on it. Verizon says it is 1and1's problem (the bad user) and 1and1 says it is Verizon's problem (throwing the baby out with the bath water). Looks like the solution is to dump both of them - but that is a project because you get almost no help when you sign up for service unless you have 1 computer and only fetch email and look at facebook. Both of these companies just try to hide information from their customers while trying to present a "customer oriented" support posture. In the end, they fail to provide the support they say they offer. Two (2) days and counting until they stop pointing fingers and take the 30 seconds to fix the problem for the rest of us users.

3 Replies

Same Problem Here...2 days, no email...not very easy to run a business in this day and age without it.

In this day and age, barring a major infrastructure failure, 5 minutes is the longest amount of time for this type of faiure to be acceptable.

Wonder what the total number of users affected by this some point this will become an embarassment for both of these companies.


Same thing here - 

We've been a Verizon FiOS user for several years after leaving Comcast.  When I initially set-up our personal accounts (AOL), business (Exchange), and side-business account (1and1) everything went fine and worked for years.

The yesterday (7 AUG) something happened and my 1and1 account stopped sending, receiving, or syncing e-mail.  1and1 posted on their status site that the issue was with Verizon.  I called Verizon and they said it was now necessary to use the Verizon SMTP server for outgoing mail on ALL my accounts - AOL, Exhange, and 1and1.

We made the change on both 1and1 and Exchange, so mail is going out, but now there is an IMAP error.  The Verizon tech support told me they only support POP, until I pointed out they have on-line instructions for both IMAP and POP.

Verizon claims nothing was changed in the last day - 1and1 says it is a Verizon problem, and neither one of them seem to have the technical skills to address the problem.

While I can still access my mail accounts through their respective web interfaces, it's not ideal.  I'd like all my mail aggregated into my Apple Mail client.

This is why the FTC should never allow another telecommunications merger - there's very little competition and customer service is unacceptable.

Specialist - Level 1

see if your IP made it on a blacklist
