Emails sent to an address on another domain that are no longer arriving in my Verizon in box

Last April I created email alias for several web domains that I own. Through my web host, I established a forwarding mechanism so that any email to those aliases is sent to my Verizon email account. This worked for eight months, until this morning. There's no problem on the web host's end, and I even added a Gmail account to receive the messages sent to the alias email addresses. That works fine. But Verizon is no longer accepting emails from my aliases. How can I make Verizon begin accepting emails from my aliases?

1 Reply
Champion - Level 3

@InTermsOf wrote:

Last April I created email alias for several web domains that I own. Through my web host, I established a forwarding mechanism so that any email to those aliases is sent to my Verizon email account. This worked for eight months, until this morning. There's no problem on the web host's end, and I even added a Gmail account to receive the messages sent to the alias email addresses. That works fine. But Verizon is no longer accepting emails from my aliases. How can I make Verizon begin accepting emails from my aliases?

What error is listedin the bounceback message you are getting? If you aren't getting a bounceback message, make sure your Spam Detector is set to save to your Spam folder (rather than delete), and check for the messages there.

Adding the domain(s) in question to your Safe Senders list probably wouldn't hurt.
