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I was completely unaware of any planned changes to the Verizon email servers when I was unable to send email from Eudora yesterday although from reading through the forum I discovered that supposedly there were emails sent and some sort of announcements made--I received no email notification(s) and could find no announcement (there is NO announcement section displayed in "My Verizon, I want to.." section). I could successfully send mail out via Thunderbird. After 5-6 hours of browsing around and trying this and that, I stumbled across the correct changes that needed to be made in Eudora and joined the forum so I could post the following which I hope will help other Eudora users.
Before I get into the details, I should note that I have a number of different email accounts (Personalities) established in Eudora and my primary Eudora account--the "Dominant" personality--is not my verizon account so keep that in mind when reading the following:
1. Eudora > Tools > Options:
A. Getting Started - existing account settings stay the same, change the following:
- SMPT Server (Outgoing): smpt.verizon.net
checkmark “Allow Authentication”
B. Checking Mail - existing account settings stay the same, change:
- Secure Sockets when Receiving: Required, Alternate Port
(was: “if available, starttls”)
(I would like to thank user "QRK" in thread
"Email Settings - ONCE AND FOR ALL" for this key piece of info on
what to choose in "Secure Sockets when Receiving"
C. Sending Mail - existing account settings stay the same, change:
- SMTP Server: smtp.verizon.net
checkmark: “Allow Authentication”
“Immediate Send”
"Send on Check”
- SMTP Relay Personality: Required to send mail from Eudora from other
non-verizon email accounts–the name of
Eudora verizon Personality (account)
selected from drop down menu
- Secure Sockets when Sending: Required, Alternate Port
(was: “if available, starttls”)
😧 Optional: With Eudora closed, check the Eudora installation folder for a
subfolder “extrastuff” for the file “esoteric.epi” copying the file
to the main Eudora installation folder. This will add a “Ports” option
near the bottom of the Tools > Options list which will allow the
specification of a number of different ports. This is not required
and specifying the new SMTP port (465) in the appropriate Ports
option field does not speed up the send/outgoing mail processing.
2. Eudora > Tools > Personalities (or click on the Personality tab):
A. “Dominant” Eudora Personality (email account) Properties:
- Generic Properties tab - existing account settings stay the same, change:
- SMTP Server: smtp.verizon.net;
checkmark: “Authentication Allowed”
“Use Relay Personality, if Defined”
do not checkmark: “Use Submission Port (587)”
- Secure Sockets when Sending: Required, Alternate Port
(was: “if available, starttls”)
- Incoming Mail tab - existing account settings stay the same, change:
- Secure Sockets when Receiving: Required, Alternate Port
(was: “if available, starttls”)
Note: Change any other non-verizon email account (Eudora Personality)
settings in the same way
B. Verizon email account Eudora Personality Properties:
- Generic Properties tab - This is the “Relay Personality”
selected from the dropdown menu in 1C (Sending Mail)
above and the verizon account settings stay the same,change:
- SMTP Server: smtp.verizon.net
checkmark: “Authentication Allowed”
“Use Relay Personality, if Defined”
do not checkmark: “Use Submission Port (587)”
- Secure Sockets when Sending: Required, Alternate Port
(was: “if available, starttls”)
- Incoming Mail tab - verizon account settings stay the same, change:
- Server: pop.verizon.net
- Secure Sockets when Receiving: Required, Alternate Port
(was: “if available, starttls”)
As I noted above, I had no problems--yesterday--sending mail using Thunderbird with the "Outgoing Server (SMTP)" using "Server Name" of "outgoing.verizon.net", "Port" 587, "Connection Security" of "None", "Authentication Method" of "Password Transmitted Insecurely".
Today however, thoseThunderbird settings didn't work so I changed the "Server Name" to smtp.verizon.net, "Port" to 465, "Connection Security" to SSL/TLS and "Authentication Method" to Normal Password and my emails were successfully sent.
Hope the above proves useful...
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My problems connecting today were due to nothing at my end. Did a chat with Verizon. The agent said they were temporarily having a lot of problems with the new server settings. He told me to change the servers back to incoming and outgoing, but leave the other changes. I did that, and my problems vanished. He said the new server settings should be working again within 24 hours.
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>>billsamuel: My problems connecting today were due to nothing at my end. Did a chat with Verizon. The agent said they were temporarily having a lot of problems with the new server settings. He told me to change the servers back to incoming and outgoing, but leave the other changes. I did that, and my problems vanished. He said the new server settings should be working again within 24 hours.
First...glad you were able to get "Required, Alternate Port" to stick...
I'm also glad that chat was able to get you the info on the new server problem. I'm in VA (outside Washington, DC) and I've not had problems since I made the changes but a few days ago, another Eudora user in MD had problems that turned out to be similar to yours in that there was an issue with the new servers that was fixed the next day...
Sure is a pita! '-}}
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FWIW, the new settings have not worked at all for me for receiving email -- but the new smtp worked fine outbound -- until late this evening. Now the outbound email gives errors, too (I changed nothing in the interim). Sigh.
I'm in Philly suburbs. Sure hope Verizon gets their act together soon ... but I'm not holding my breath -- and my patience is far too short to endure that travesty that they call phone support ....
Good luck to one and all !
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>>thisistough: FWIW, the new settings have not worked at all for me for receiving email -- but the new smtp worked fine outbound -- until late this evening. Now the outbound email gives errors, too (I changed nothing in the interim). Sigh.
Sigh indeed! '-}}
So far, things have been stable here in VA (Washington, DC area) with the new settings--in both Eudora and Thunderbird--and my sister who lives next door who also has FiOS broadband is still using the old server settings successfully in Thunderbird...
I'll keep my fingers crossed that they get things in the Philly area sorted out soon...
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Here in Maryland, there are still major problems. It is very hard for Eudora to log in to the POP server. Sometimes it takes 30 minutes, sometimes an hour, sometimes it just won't do it. Once it is able to log in, then usually it can update OK. But if you close Eudora and then re-open it, you get the same problem again. It is not just Eudora. My Android devices could not connect to the server anytime after about noon on Sunday.
We are in the 5th day of this debacle, and I have wasted enormous amounts of time trying to get my emails. Verizon should give refunds for this problem.
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>>billsamuel: We are in the 5th day of this debacle, and I have wasted enormous amounts of time trying to get my emails. Verizon should give refunds for this problem.
Wow! Sorry to hear that. It must be a major pain--have had no problems here in VA. I'd certainly talk to Verizon about some sort of credit. I hope they get it resolved soon.
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Action Required Now - Important Changes to your Verizon Email Account | |
Dear Valued Verizon Customer, To further improve security and your online experience, Verizon has modified the way Verizon.net email is handled when sent or received through an email application (such as Outlook Express®, MS Outlook, Windows Live Mail or via hand-held devices)........ are you kidding me verizon improve what securityand are online experience can some verizon explain this to me please.lol |
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Thanks for this post. Sorry but the forum won't allow kudos to be added to the post.
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@Cable201 wrote:Thanks for this post. Sorry but the forum won't allow kudos to be added to the post.
Thanks for what post? FYI, you aren't allowed to give kudos until you reach Contributor rank. Since you've reached it, you can probably give kudos to the post you are talking about now.
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>>cable201: Thanks for this post. Sorry but the forum won't allow kudos to be added to the post.
If this was addressed to me as the original poster of this thread, you are very welcome...I hope it proved useful...'-}}
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I've had no problem in making the changes and receiving or sending mail in EUDORA 7.1 - as I had done for years.
BUT, when I leave the mail program running, my WINDOWS 7.1 laptop freezes and requires a CTL-ALT-DEL to close the program.
Any suggestions for troubleshooting
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After MONTHS of Eudora working correctly for me, ove rthe last week none of my mail is going out. I have my primary VZ account set up are the primary in Eudora and several pop3 accoutns at my doins that validate through that primary. **bleep** verizon pleae fiz this.
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Please take a look a page 3, post 7 from the top of the page by user jfadden in the thread "problems sending email - what authentication is needed??" for a solution to what is likely the problem. If you read through the entire thread, you'll see that there are a number of us Eudora users with the same problem.
By the way...where are you located? I'm in the Washington, DC metro area (VA) and everyone else with the problem also seems to be on the east coast so we're trying to gather info on where peole who are having this problem are located.
Hope this helps...
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Thank you for such a comprehensive list of settings.
As I try these to get rid of a pesty task errors message:"There has been an error transferring your mail." and "Connection closed by foreign host".
These are usually accompanied by eudora.log entries such as: " 550 5.7.1 Authentication is required to send mail as <sub1anz4a@verizon.net>\r\n".
Please tell what the \r\n suffix means??
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@edfinigan wrote:Thank you for such a comprehensive list of settings.
As I try these to get rid of a pesty task errors message:"There has been an error transferring your mail." and "Connection closed by foreign host".
These are usually accompanied by eudora.log entries such as: " 550 5.7.1 Authentication is required to send mail as <sub1anz4a@verizon.net>\r\n".
Please tell what the \r\n suffix means??
\r carriage return
\n new line
Really unimportant.
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Good morning. I just came back from vacation and Eudora will not send anything out (but I can get mail in). All settings are as they are described below and I wonder if anyone has any thoughts? All its tell me is "550 5.7.1 Authentication Required".
Thank you
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Help. I set up Eudora as described and all was working up to 3 weeks ago.
Now I cannot send e-mails from Eudora. I still recieve e-mails.
My smtp port is
- Outgoing mail server (SMTP😞 smtp.verizon.net
- Outgoing Server Port Numbers: 465
I get error 550 5.7.1 Authentication Required
Any ideas ?
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About the beginning of August Verizon started "advertising" that cram-md5 is supported. They don't in fact support it and Eudora is one of the products that try and use it. A bypass solution has been posted for quite awhile see jfadden's post in another thread http://forums.verizon.com/t5/Verizon-net-Email/problems-sending-email-what-authentication-is-needed/...

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