Excessive Email Spam from Romania!

I am receiving excessive amounts of spam/phising sites from Romania offering bogus ADT ads, lower interest rates on my home loan, and senior dating services (although I am not even close to being a senior). Now, I have been spending weeks of my life using the filtering and blocking, but more just keep coming. I also have the spam filter turned on, but from the volume of crap I am getting in my mailbox, I don't think it's working. Now, I am told I have reached my maximum on my filters. Really??

Now I am frustrated at the bombarded rate I will be receiving spam from these email tyrants! What are my choices? Quite frankly, I am tired of deleting hundreds of these emails from my phone and my mail box!

Here some examples:


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<!-- This is the gist of the proprietary trade, said the Doctor, picking his words carefully. Most diseases cure themselves. Medicine isn't much good. Doctors don't know a great deal. Now, if a patent medicine braces a patient up and gives him courage, it does all that can be done. Then, the advertising inspires confidence in the cure and that's half the battle. There's a lot in Christian Science, and a lot in common between Christian Science and the proprietary business. Both work on the mind and help it to cure the body. But the proprietary trade throws in a few drugs to brace up the system, allay symptoms, and push along the good work. There you have Certina. -->

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<!-- A small pine torch threw its blue and hazy light into the cave. In spite of the gloomy poetic effects which Mademoiselle de Verneuil's imagination cast about this vaulted chamber, which was echoing to the sounds of a pitiful prayer, she was obliged to admit that the place was nothing more than an underground kitchen, evidently long abandoned. When the formless mass was distinguishable it proved to be a short and very fat man, whose limbs were carefully bound before he had been left lying on the damp stone floor of the kitchen by those who had seized him. When he saw the new-comer approach him with a torch in one hand and a fagot of sticks in the other, the captive gave a dreadful groan, which so wrought upon the sensibilities of Mademoiselle de Verneuil that she forgot her own terror and despair and the cramped position of her limbs, which were growing numb. But she made a great effort and remained still. The Chouan flung the sticks into the fireplace, after trying the strengt
of an old crane which was fastened to a long iron bar; then he set fire to the wood with his torch. Marie saw with terror that the man was the same Pille-Miche to whom her rival had delivered her, and whose figure, illuminated by the flame, was like that of the little boxwood men so grotesquely carved in Germany. The moans of his prisoner produced a broad grin upon features that were ribbed with wrinkles and tanned by the sun. -->
<a href="http://89.0x72.000000313.242/uoouzunu-otnaei/puf-bkeaae/zl/tzfi-laqzxob/otnkb-ouu/omluesoaedhae/rue/...">?? -Do you REALLY know who you're Sleeping With ???_<br /><br /><img src="http://89.0x72.000000313.242/eul-fe/puf-eu/wuot/ukhhc-ieouikru/uro-qucku/imouistaodnar/nbuk/ew-reeef..." border="0"></a><br />
<!-- will never forgive me for what I have made her suffer, whimpered the old man; she will no longer love me. -->

<a href="http://89.0x72.000000313.242/cuku-aooroa/puf-oetie/eoetfbl/uuql-oloiuuel/oufkcfaq-az/wmlukseandaai/w..."><img src="http://89.0x72.000000313.242/eqi-xku/puf-aoaiak/ihxwehuo/uuqct-el/qc-aewobl/umbuasratdbao/ecoheoo/ok..." border="0"></a><br />
<!-- 'Everything's accidental,' he replied. 'Everything that ever happened is accidental, in a way--in another it isn't. If you look at your own life, for instance, you'll find it's been simply a series of coincidences. I'm sure mine has been. Sheer chance from beginning to end.' -->

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<!-- He believed that his salvation lay in that forest. He hoped that it stretched far toward the right. He had never seen a finer forest, a more magnificent forest, one that looked more sheltering, and the nearer he came to it the better it looked. -->




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<!-- The maiden lady is a Miss Norton, rich, cultivated, and kind. She spoke to me at dinner today (for I went to table again, it's such fun to watch people), and asked me to come and see her at her room. She has fine books and pictures, knows interesting persons, and seems friendly, so I shall make myself agreeable, for I do want to get into good society, only it isn't the same sort that Amy likes. -->

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<!-- The tread of men walking quickly and the sound of voices raised in eagerness came to the room. The powerful figure of Jimmy Grayson trembled slightly, then grew rigid. -->
<a href="http://89.0x72.000000314.240/iqr-frnxio/bzn2-uia/ro/kiko-iaeknbbe/aa-oxe/lmkjwkaurru/kra/relnki-1/ki...">- - MEET SOMEONE --- Mature Singles Romance - -<br /><br /><img src="http://89.0x72.000000314.240/ouwec-ez/bzn2-ecuxqe/ezbkew/oqhin-eo/ax-bciueei/bmtjnkquorh/ozfwalrx/nk..." border="0"></a><br />
<!-- Fletcher left next day, saying, while he pressed her hand as warmly as if the vigor of two had gone into his one: -->

<a href="http://89.0x72.000000314.240/otxbie-week/bzn2-ufcf/qotcitu/awue-fcue/ouwaak-qqhi/bmbjaktuurn/euakoeo..."><img src="http://89.0x72.000000314.240/nuacux-eixoxh/bzn2-zwkca/blfir/oibfi-tfezr/tqeuae-oooqiwzo/nmkjokeuerw/..." border="0"></a><br />
<!-- It was very hard to resist the pleading voice and eyes, for this humility was dangerous; and, but for Uncle Alec, Rose would have answered yes. The blue forget-me-nots reminded her of her own promise, and she kept it with difficulty now, to be glad always afterward. Putting back the offered trinket with a gentle touch, she said firmly, though she dared not look up into the anxious face bending toward her: No, Charlie I can't wear it. My hands must be free if I'm to help you as I ought. I will be kind, I will trust you, but don't swear anything, only try to resist temptation, and we'll all stand by you.? -->

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<!-- They arrived at Philipsburg in a gorgeous twilight that wrapped the Western mountains in red and gold, but Harley scarcely noticed either the town or the colors over it. He was full of anxiety, as he began to share Hobart's view that something was going to happen, although he did not take the same cheerful view of trouble. -->



1 Reply

These are a handful of suggestions for best use, and you should try to adopt as many of them as you can.   In general though you should make good use of the spam button, spam detector tool and Filter rules (filters allow you to create a rule, and have it automatically delete those spam messages.  You have gone through a lot of the below suggestions, I imagine, so you MAY want to set up two ID's for online email. 

Always try to use best practices when using email on the internet.

  1. You should start reporting the spam with a spam button in the webmail client
  2. Forward spam emails that were not caught to spamdetector.notcaught@verizon.net
  3. Set your e-mail filter. An e-mail filter and spam blocking software are absolutely critical. Set these security measures to update automatically to ensure that you are protected from the latest threats.
  4. NEVER reply to spam. Replying to spam, even to "unsubscribe," could set you up for more spam.
  5. Protect your e-mail address and instant message ID. If you must post this information online, set up two identities, one for real use and one for online activities.
  6. Be wary of e-mail attachments. Change the settings on your e-mail program so that images and attachments are not opened automatically. Only open attachments from users known to you.
  7. Watch out for phishing scams. Don't click on links in e-mails or instant messages unless the sender is known to you. Instead, open a separate web browser and visit the site directly.
  8. Create smart and strong passwords. Use a combination of letters, numbers, and symbols.
  9. Never enter your personal information in a pop-up window. You may not be able to tell when a scammer has hijacked a seemingly legitimate site.
  10. Don't fill out online surveys, or register for contests or fan clubs. These may be fronts for spammers trying to collect your e-mail address