Locked account

Since I keep getting tons of SPAM, I want to log in to the Webmail portal and clean it up before it gets to my desktop Thunderbird.

Since April 2/3 2015, when I try to log in to my main account via the Webmail portal, I keep getting the "Your account is locked due to multiple failed attempts. To unlock your account you will need to verify additional items" message.

When I attempt to get a pin, it never shows up in my Thunderbird program. (It also SEEMS the email it is being sent to is incorrect, but I can't change that as I can't get in to my account.)

How can I fix this? Is there some kind of issue with server at Verizon right now?


1 Reply
Specialist - Level 1

i had similar "locked out" issue with my dsl/res phone  account at different location , with need to answer questios to have PIN sent to email, but email addy listed was one i haven't had for years (and i DID change my account setting to a much more current email address long ago) ....luckily there was another option, to have them call my home phone and leave voice message with access PIN.......the voice message was so static-filled and garbled that was only sure about one of the 4 digits, 2 digits i was pretty sure i knew, but 4th digit was pure guess as to what they actually said.......when i finally  got back into my account, i immediately went to  my settings to see if that old email address was still in there, and it isn't......you didn't get the option to get a phone call with the access PIN????
