Lost in space Sub Accounts

My husband and I married six years ago and my Verizon emails were joined with his account. Somehow they are floating in webland and cannot be retrieved to delete so I am unable to create new sub accounts. There was no answer for this problem six years ago, and there isn't any solution today. I'm stuck with emails we don't use. I've asked for at least two more sub accounts since they cannot remove them, but they will not give them to me and tell me to get them somewhere else. Of course I know I can go somewhere else to get emails, and I have, but we're paying for Verizon and thought maybe they could fix their problem or at least rectify it with giving us a couple of extra accounts. Wow!

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What type of account.  Most residential accounts have the ability to create sub accounts.  Can you get into to your main account?  Can you see the emails in the sub accounts?  I do understand the nature of your problem from your description.

This is a residential account. On Verizon's sites I was able to see all 8 sub accounts, however when I wanted to manage the account it took me to yahoo where I only saw 3. Then a light when on in my head... "Unlink Yahoo". That's what I did, and after six years, I found the answer to my problem. Not sure why the "specialist" couldn't tell me this, but it worked! So if any of you are experiencing this same problem, unlink yahoo and your problem will be solved!