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I receive emails from my sister in Minnesota via her .msn account. I usually get the first one right away (with or without attachments). A second or more emails simply seem to go into limbo.... I don't receive them until hours or (in a couple of occasions) until the next day.
You can imagine the difficulty this causes when trying to design a website for her and needed consistant input.
I can have her send an emails to both my "pair networks" account, which forwards to my "Verizon" account and to my "verizon" account simultaniously and I receive the message via "pair networks" immeciately but don't see the direct verizon email for an hour or two...
It appears that verizon is delaying .msn mail from Minnesota to Florida. I don't have problems with any other email, only the .msn from minnesota... I use pop service and Thunderbird.
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Lots of reason for delays. Including reason attacks by people trying with Denial of Service (DOS) attacks.
Most people are now spoiled by one day delivery of email was once common.
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This has been going on for months.... and only .MSM from Minnesota is affected.... My first experience with the internet was using DOS and a couple of early search engines called "Minuett" and "Gophor".....
I'm trying to find out why verizon is taking extra time delivering email from .msn in Minnesota and trying to find out if there is a way to exempt certain senders from the delays....
Thanks anyway...
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More likely MSN is having trouble connecting for whatever reason. Mail once it successfully delivered to a Verizon server is usually delivered very quickly. Yes, it could be verizon's problem that the Verizon server is not accepting traffic from MSN. This is based on some of the other headers that people have posted.
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From my post:
I can have her send an emails to both my "pair networks" account, which forwards to my "Verizon" account and to my "verizon" account simultaniously and I receive the message via "pair networks" immeciately but don't see the direct verizon email for an hour or two...
The 2 addresses are in the same email.... one goes through immediately (pair networks forwarded thru verizon) the other (verizon ) is delayed hours..
Both are delivered by Verizon
Both are sent from .MSN in Minnesota
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Not sure what you mean by pair network. You may want to check the headers of the two emails to see what servers they are going through. If a set of different servers (verizon or not) they may indicate where the problem is. If you do see they reach a verizon server and then its delayed, you may need to contact them directly about it. Posting here is NOT going to get Verizon's attention as this is peer to peer.
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Pair Networks is a web hosting service....
Pair gets the email from msn , washes it, forwards it to my Verizon address I get it immediately.
Receivedfrom aoba.pair.com ([]) by vms172061.mailsrvcs.net (Oracle Communications Messaging Server 64bit (built Oct 14 2014)) with SMTP id <0NHM008STL2R6N10@vms172061.mailsrvcs.net> for {edited for privacy}; Sat, 03 Jan 2015 17:54:33 -0600 (CST)
Received(qmail 25206 invoked by uid 3164); 3 Jan 2015 23:54:27 -0000
Received(qmail 25200 invoked from network); 3 Jan 2015 23:54:27 -0000
from mailwash42.pair.com ( by aoba.pair.com with SMTP; 3 Jan 2015 23:54:27 -0000
Received from localhost (localhost []) by mailwash42.pair.com (Postfix) with SMTP id 48C971C093C for {edited for privacy}; Sat, 3 Jan 2015 18:54:27 -0500 (EST)
Received from BAY004-OMC1S24.hotmail.com (bay004-omc1s24.hotmail.com []) by mailwash42.pair.com (Postfix) with ESMTP id EA4A81C0863 for {edited for privacy}; Sat, 3 Jan 2015 18:54:24 -0500 (EST)
Received fromBAY174-W29 ([]) by BAY004-OMC1S24.hotmail.com over TLS secured channel with Microsoft SMTPSVC(7.5.7601.22751); Sat, 3 Jan 2015 15:54:24 -0800
Verizon gets the email from msn, and delivers it 1 to 8 hours later
Received from BAY004-OMC1S24.hotmail.com ([]) by vms172087.mailsrvcs.net (Oracle Communications Messaging Server 64bit (built Oct 14 2014)) with ESMTPS id <0NHM00KEJODG41D0@vms172087.mailsrvcs.net> for {edited for privacy}; Sat, 03 Jan 2015 19:05:42 -0600 (CST)
Received from BAY174-W29 ([]) by BAY004-OMC1S24.hotmail.com over TLS secured channel with Microsoft SMTPSVC(7.5.7601.22751); Sat, 3 Jan 2015 15:54:24 -0800
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Hotmail is apparently talking fine to PAIR, Pair then apparetly talking fine with the Verizon server.
Receivedfrom aoba.pair.com ([]) by vms172061.mailsrvcs.net (Oracle Communications Messaging Server 64bit (built Oct 14 2014)) with SMTP id <0NHM008STL2R6N10@vms172061.mailsrvcs.net> for {edited for privacy}; Sat, 03 Jan 2015 17:54:33 -0600 (CST)
Hotmail is not apparently talking fine to the Verizon server.
Received from BAY004-OMC1S24.hotmail.com ([]) by vms172087.mailsrvcs.net (Oracle Communications Messaging Server 64bit (built Oct 14 2014)) with ESMTPS id <0NHM00KEJODG41D0@vms172087.mailsrvcs.net> for {edited for privacy}; Sat, 03 Jan 2015 19:05:42 -0600 (CST)
Could be sometime wrong with Hotmail's connection to Verizon, or something with Verizon Mail server 172087. But Verizon did not accept the mail from hotmail until 7:05:42 PM (CST)
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Could be sometime wrong with Hotmail's connection to Verizon, or something with Verizon Mail server 172087. But Verizon did not accept the mail from hotmail until 7:05:42 PM (CST)
I don't know..... That is the purpose of this post, to find someone who can tell me WHY Verizon is not accepting the email from MSN hotmail for hours after all other receipient's providers accept it!!!
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I have the same issue and was hoping to find an answer here. Anyone who sends me e-mail from hotmail or msn, it is delayed anywhere from 30 minutes to 20 hours. Here's the best part, if I look at my Verizon web mail, the receipt time gives me the current time. So for example, I got a message that came in from a hotmail or msn mail account today at 11:55 am, and it says received at 11:55 am in Verizon Web mail. However, when downloading my e-mail to a local program like Outlook (or I actually use Thunderbird), it shows me the original time it was sent which was actually 8:36 pm last night! and it pops up buried in my list of e-mails with the correct time. So I can see that I have a new e-mail in my inbox, yet I have to scroll down to find it!
It's great to get a reply all for an e-mail that I don't get until 15 hours later!!! This needs to get resolved, wether it is verizon delaying the receipt or MSN delaying the send, I can't be put in a postion where someone is expecting a reply and I can't do it because I don't receive the e-mail in a timely manner. There are no other domains in which this issue occurs.
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Spoke to Verizon Technical Support. He was eager to assist, read our forum posts, and in turn immediately contacted their internal OSC group which deals with e-mail issues and unforturtanely he was forced to give me a scripted response:
it is a known issue but the issue is not with Verizon - All MSN, Hotmal, Live, and outlook.com accounts are seeing this issue but it is a problem with MSN, not Verizon.
So we need someone from the MSN side to contact their support so that they can get what I will summize to be the exact same answer and we can sit in e-mail pergatory together...forever.
With that said, I was generally impressed with the tech support with Verizon, was not on hold long and he did make every attempt to resolve the issue and not treat me like I "had no clue" or tell me to reboot 🙂
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Why, or what could be the reason that MSN/Hotmail delays transfer of emails to verizon? If there are several receipients and a response is made by any of the receipients, I will often get the receipients response to the email long before I get the original email.... Strange that with 5 or 6 receipients, scattered from Minnesota to Florida, the only delayed message is the one that goes directly from MSN-Hotmail to Verizon.
{edited for privacy}