Solution for sending MS Outlook and SMTP e-mail through Verizon FIOS for GoDaddy e-mail
Enthusiast - Level 2

I searched and searched and called support for both Verizon and GoDaddy.  Nobody could help me.  Verizon even refused to escalate my issue because my issue was a "MS Outlook configuration issue."  NOT TRUE.

This is what I had to do.

Add a new POP account to MS Outlook. (or modify if it already exists)

I used my GoDaddy e-mail address

For POP, I used my GoDaddy e-mail address and password

For POP server, I used (GoDaddy's server) on port 110 (no SSL)

For SMTP server, I used on port 587 (no SSL)

For SMTP authentication, I used my xxxxxxxx(at) e-mail account.  I am on Verizon FIOS and get e-mail accounts through that.  So, I registered a new account...not fun, but manageable.  The verizon web site is really bad.


The FIX...I had to log onto the xxxxxxxx(at) e-mail account via the WEBMAIL version for Verizon.

I then went to Options-->More Options on the top, right menu.

Go to the Accounts menu on the left.

Click Add Account button toward the top.

I only entered information for Sending Mail.

     Account name (any name you like...I called it GoDaddy)

     From Name = my display name

     e-mail address = my GoDaddy e-mail address

     I then moved my cursor to the username field in the Receiving Mail just so my cursor wasn't in the e-mail address field anymore.

Verizon couldn't even help me with this.  This should be a standard check for them whenever they receive a call for SMTP issues.  I think they are trying to get everyone to use their (at) e-mail account as their primary account.  This will help them retain or gain future business.  I think it's bad for business overall.


Note the "Test Account Settings..." button failed on the test send of a message, but all other tests passed fine.  My messages are sent fine even with this part of the tests failing.

1 Solution

godaddy accounts sometimes like port 80 vs 587 as well.    just to piggy back on your thread.

View solution in original post

7 Replies

godaddy accounts sometimes like port 80 vs 587 as well.    just to piggy back on your thread.

Enthusiast - Level 2

Yes.  I saw that you can use ports (for GoDaddy SMTP):  25, 80, 3535, or 587 (non SSL) and 465 for SSL

I believe 25 and 587 would have worked once I did what I posted, but I left it at 587 because it worked and I stopped at that point. The behavior was the same for the "Test Account Settings..." for both 25 and failed to send the test message, but e-mail still went through (for 587 at least).  I think 587 is more likely be left alone...when compared to port 25...from a Verizon acceptance perspective.

Ports 80, 3535, and 465 did not work for me at all.

Enthusiast - Level 2

...just to follow-up...

I was able to configure my wife's laptop to use port 25.

So, I have one set to port 25 and one set to 587

Excellent solution btw. Glad you shared it. I think a lot of users will find this invaluable
Enthusiast - Level 1

So I was very exceptical about this solution, sending your email using a different provider???, BUT IT WORKS

It even updated my goddady email folder in godaddy site ( BTW i dont know how it does that )

Thank you

ALL HAIL TO VERIZON for wanting to take over the email world... boozos forcing us to use their systems.


Why is the outgoing server  You said "For SMTP server, I used on port 587 (no SSL)"

What does this have to do with yahoo?  Is this an error??


Oh my word!  I literally worked on setting up Outlook 7 for 12 straight hours yesterday.  I found a ton of people with the same issue (enter network password), but could not seem to find a solution.  The closest I came was someone who ended up having to delete their yahoo accessibility which means they lost all of their email.  Thankfully, the WORKED!!!  I can not believe that something that is suppose to make our lives easier took this much work.  I'm glad I found this post.  Thank you!
