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First we have changed nothing, we have not done anything to our Yahoo or Outlook 2003 and suddenly this starts popping up all the time.
We have Windows 7, Office Pro. 2003 and use Outlook 2003 with Verizon Fios and Yahoo is our email server. This message started popping up yesterday out no where, does anyone have any thoughts about it? I have posted it on the Verizon site, however I have more faith in the help I receive here thank you.
The server you are connected to is using a security certificate that CAN NOT BE VERIFIED.
A certificate chain processed but terminated in a root certificate which is not trusted by the trust provider.
Do you want to continue using this server?
Solved! Go to Correct Answer
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The 995 and 465 are the numbers I had been using at least a year now, Verizon sent them or posted them for Verizon Subscribers.
Yet I was getting the error message over and over the last few days before I called Verizon.
" security certificate that CAN NOT BE VERIFIED."
The Verizon Tech changed those numbers and some other settings and I HAVE NOT HAD A SINGLE ERROR SINCE HE DID.
I tried the old numbers and immediately the errors stated up again. I quickly went back to the new numbers he entered and again NO ERRORS AND NO PROBLEMS.
Yahoo is our email server, could this be a reason that those numbers don't work any longer, has Yahoo changed something that required Verizon to issue the new port numbers?
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Did you get any email notification of a change to your email servers? So far I only found these settings from 2010
Incoming Server: incoming.yahoo.verizon.net
Server Requires Authentication: Yes
Username: fakeacct
Password: fakepassword
Requires a Secure Connection (SSL): No
Port: 110
Outgoing Server: outgoing.yahoo.verizon.net
Server Requires Authentication: Yes (You can set it to use the same settings as incoming, or manually enter the username and password.)
Requires a Secure Connection (SSL): No
Port: 25
(Big thanks to SomeGirl for this info)
Are these the settings configured in outlook? If these are the setting they may need to be updated
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These are the current settings, per this Verizon web page.
Mail server settings
- Incoming mail server (POP3😞 pop.verizon.net
- Incoming Server Port Numbers: 995
- Outgoing mail server (SMTP😞 smtp.verizon.net
- Outgoing Server Port Numbers: 465
- Your Verizon Online user name
- Your Verizon Online password
- Make sure "This server requires a secure connection (SSL)" is checked
(FYI I got this page in a Bing search for "verizon pop3 email server settings.")
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The 995 and 465 are the numbers I had been using at least a year now, Verizon sent them or posted them for Verizon Subscribers.
Yet I was getting the error message over and over the last few days before I called Verizon.
" security certificate that CAN NOT BE VERIFIED."
The Verizon Tech changed those numbers and some other settings and I HAVE NOT HAD A SINGLE ERROR SINCE HE DID.
I tried the old numbers and immediately the errors stated up again. I quickly went back to the new numbers he entered and again NO ERRORS AND NO PROBLEMS.
Yahoo is our email server, could this be a reason that those numbers don't work any longer, has Yahoo changed something that required Verizon to issue the new port numbers?
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Can you elaborate on "the Verizon Tech changed those numbers and some other settings"? What exactly did they change, and what are your current settings?
The "pop.verizon.net" and "smtp.verizon.net" settings listed in the post above are for NON-"Verizon Yahoo" e-mail accounts. Those settings do not apply to Verizon users with Yahoo-based e-mail. And the NON-SSL settings listed in a post above are not acceptable - we should be using SSL.
It appears that the certificate itself is invalid. The "Key Usage" field with the value "Digital Signature, Key Encipherment (a0)" appears to be the issue.
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Incoming Server Port Numbers: 110
Out going server Port number 587
We also were using the 995 and 465 for at least a year and it was set up that way then by a TECH.
The new numbers worked immediately and ever since.
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@Friendly wrote:Incoming Server Port Numbers: 110
Out going server Port number 587
We also were using the 995 and 465 for at least a year and it was set up that way then by a TECH.
The new numbers worked immediately and ever since.
Your new numbers are the old NON-SSL numbers. THEY WILL EVENTUALLY STOP WORKING.
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What do you suggest then if this is not a fix? Apparently a number of us are having the same problem with our Verizon email accounts. If this is not a fix what is then, what would you suggest?
Friendly wrote:
Incoming Server Port Numbers: 110
Out going server Port number 587
We also were using the 995 and 465 for at least a year and it was set up that way then by a TECH.
The new numbers worked immediately and ever since.
Your new numbers are the old NON-SSL numbers. THEY WILL EVENTUALLY STOP WORKING.
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@tns_2 wrote:
@Friendly wrote:Incoming Server Port Numbers: 110
Out going server Port number 587
We also were using the 995 and 465 for at least a year and it was set up that way then by a TECH.
The new numbers worked immediately and ever since.
Your new numbers are the old NON-SSL numbers. THEY WILL EVENTUALLY STOP WORKING.
The current correct settings are provided on this link. TNS_2 is correct.
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I have entered and reentered your setting over and over and it fails every time. I go back to 110 and 587 it works wonderfully.
Would the fact Yahoo is our mail server change any of this?
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I also should mention those instructions are for DSL, are they different for FIOS?
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No. ITs the same email service for all of Verizon's email service, with only a different server for the Yahoo offering.
official doc is at http://verizon.com/emailsettings
Don't remember what client you said you were trying to get to work but you really need to try again. Note there are some changes from what was used a few changes although the recommended ports of the change. If it doesn't work try and post some screen shots or text copy of all settings except mask out personal info such as userid and password. Hopfully one of us peers here will spot your problem. At this point I haven't heard of any client (including the recently solved Eudora problem) that hasn't worked with the new settings.
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In the past the Verizon folks made it clear that you had to enter "outgoing.yahoo.verizon.net or incoming.yahoo.verizon.net".
The instructions you sent state to enter it as "pop.verizon.net", is yahoo now left out of the entry?
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HURRRRRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH FINALLY!! It seems to be correct now with the 995 and 465.
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My emails send and receive however at least once a day I am still getting this message having gone back to the 995 and 465 ports and all the other instructions were followed completely.
The server you are connected to is using a security certificate that CAN NOT BE VERIFIED.
A certificate chain processed but terminated in a root certificate which is not trusted by the trust provider.
Do you want to continue using this server?
I have to check on yes use this server at least two or three times a day.
I have done searches and this problems comes up every where on the internet for people using YAHOO AND VERIZON. No one else seems to be having this problem.
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Possibly you are missing a root provider. Have you updated your certificates with Microsoft (should only have to do with Windows XP or earlier).
ps: I see you originally said you were windows 7, so you shouldn'g have the above problem. Can you see what certificate is giving you this error. Possibly a bad certificate or missing root certificate on some YAHOO server. If so it would be Yahoo that needs to fix it.
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It is not an issue with a missing root provider. And the certificate is owned by Verizon, not Yahoo. And people need to stop discussing non-SSL and non-VerizonYahoo settings in this thread. As I said many posts above, it appears that the certificate itself is invalid.
CN = Cybertrust Public SureServer SV CA
O = Cybertrust Inc
Valid From:
Tuesday, August 06, 2013 3:47:49 PM
Valid To:
Tuesday, October 06, 2015 12:10:54 AM
CN = outgoing.yahoo.verizon.net
OU = Messaging
O = Verizon Data Services LLC
L = Grapevine
S = Texas
C = US
Key Usage: (this appears to be a problem)
Digital Signature, Key Encipherment (a0)
This certificate chain appears to be processing and ending with this certificate at the root (no higher level certificate in the path).
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I agree it appears to be something the Verizon Client can not correct themselves it is at the Level of Verizon and Yahoo needing to repair or update some file.
All the searching and researching I have been doing to find a fix keeps comes back to Verizon and Yahoo users.
There is a huge number of Verizon clients searching the internet because they aren't getting any place with Verizon in getting help.
Our own experience was the TECH changed everything to a unsecured setting that worked but I learned on this forum provided NO security what so ever.
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@Beelzy wrote:It is not an issue with a missing root provider. And the certificate is owned by Verizon, not Yahoo. And people need to stop discussing non-SSL and non-VerizonYahoo settings in this thread. As I said many posts above, it appears that the certificate itself is invalid.
CN = Cybertrust Public SureServer SV CA
O = Cybertrust IncValid From:
Tuesday, August 06, 2013 3:47:49 PM
Valid To:
Tuesday, October 06, 2015 12:10:54 AM
CN = outgoing.yahoo.verizon.net
OU = Messaging
O = Verizon Data Services LLC
L = Grapevine
S = Texas
C = USKey Usage: (this appears to be a problem)
Digital Signature, Key Encipherment (a0)
This certificate chain appears to be processing and ending with this certificate at the root (no higher level certificate in the path).
Certificate chain doesn't end threre, but why the processing doesn't complete is a question. It clearly has Cybertrust Public SureServer SV CA as the issuer, and should be processing that chain. The intermediate should not have to be manually loaded, but can be as I see you say you did in another thread. Note a possible solution, which I don't recommend the faint of heart trying is to delete the root certificate for cybertrust and see if the chain will than properly load as it should on a Windows Vista or Windows 7 machine.
ps: Note which email client's have this problem. Some manage there own certificates and may need certificate update. Several CYBERTRUST certificates recently expired, so if you have one that is expired you may need to install the updates. Not sure the best source, perhaps Microsoft Certificate Store, perhaps from Cybertrust itself.
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I understand your concern, however Verizon needs to understand this is a great inconvenience to many paying customers of Verizon and Fios.
The Certificate is being read as a Fraudulent Certificate in its properties. There is no way a client or paying customer can correct this themselves.
I understand your security concerns and try to understand ours.
A Verizon Tech remotely reset our ports and SSL options so our email worked however he never told us or explained it was now AN UNSECURED email service.
That is just swell! Our security was compromised by a Verizon Tech who we trusted to correct of fix our email.
Again I understand your security issues.Then please understand until I posted on here we were converted to an unsecured email service by a Verizon Tech and WE HAD NO IDEA this had been done.
WHO KNOWS WHAT KIND OF PROBLEMS AND ISSUES WE WOULD HAVE ENCOUNTERED as a result of this known problem that has not been corrected or addressed until we brought it up here.
Some other services have failed to protect their clients and security and it made the media. Google has been in several articles and publications for a similar issue.
Verizon has been the best ISP we ever had it would be sad to think Verizon is compromising its service and security to its clients to safe money.
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If we set up our account to the instructions given by Verizon our email does not work.
- Incoming mail server (POP3): pop.verizon.net
- Incoming Server Port Numbers: 995
- Outgoing mail server (SMTP): smtp.verizon.net
- Outgoing Server Port Numbers: 465 Why is this important?
Unless a person enters incoming.yahoo.verizon.net the POP3 will not work the way it is stated here to do as
However even by entering it with the incoming.yahoo.verizon.net the root issue comes up at least three times a day.