Unable to access email

I've been unable to access my verizon.net emails through Yahoo since November. I've called on average twice a week. Still get the same answer, they're working on it. I was very patient about going through the verizon website to access my email. Now that avenue has been shut down and I can't access anything. I have time sensitive emails coming in that I can't access.  The last repair ticket said it would be fixed by Dec 22nd. Still nothing. This is ridiculous! Help!!

2 Replies

Painful as it is I must say you must get a better email service.

Gmail or Outlook would be a better choice. And are free and travel with you for life.

just remember Verizon now owns both AOL & Yahoo email so do not get them.

the proven leader in email is Outlook and Gmail so start an account with them and tell friends and business associates to start send to them.

Moderator Emeritus

Hi Dln11,

Your issue has been escalated to a Verizon agent. Before the agent can begin assisting you, they will need to collect further information from you. Please go to your profile page for the forum and scroll down the page to an area titled "My Support Cases". You can reach your profile page by clicking on your name located above your post, or at the top right of this page.

Under "My Support Cases" you will find a link to the private board where you and the agent may exchange information. The title of your post is the link. This should be checked on a frequent basis, as the agent may be waiting for information from you before they can proceed with any actions. To ensure you know when they have responded to you, you may subscribe to the case. At the top right of your support case there is a gear icon which provides a drop down menu with support case options. Click that and choose "subscribe". Please keep all correspondence regarding your issue in the private support portal.
