Unable to reply to Verizon email messages on IPhone 6SE

Enthusiast - Level 1

Really strange. Starting about a week ago I could receive verizon email just fine on

my IPhone 6SE, but could not reply to them(!)  As far as I could tell, the problem cropped up right after I changed my Verizon email password from my laptop. The error message I receive seems to indicate my Verizon email password I am using on my IPhone is invalid. After talking to Verizon on the telephone, I tried the obvious thing, deleting the Verizon email account on the IPhone and then re-establishing it and entering the correct password of record - i.e., the password that works for Verizon email over on my laptop. Still did not work on the IPhone. Now I have gone through the switch to AOL in accordance with Verizon's instructions, and the email still does not work on the IPhone 6SE. Anyone else encountered this problem and solved it?

3 Replies
Community Leader
Community Leader

I migrated to AOL 3/6

Just used their App on my iPhone SE

SUCCESSFULLY Sent a test email back to myself

Have you migrated ?

Enthusiast - Level 1

Tom: Thanks for your reply. Yes, I got an alert last week to do that and it solved my problem - whatever was causing it. I just hope the AOL system

does a much better job of controlling spam! The Verizon people were totally useless in that regard. - Ken

Community Leader
Community Leader

AOL Spam working well for me.

Have gotten in the habit of looking at the folder every time I check email

and deleting ALL that are truly Spam.
