Verizon One Way Spam Conduit
Enthusiast - Level 2

I have had it with the Verizon's spam one way door.  The crap keeps coming in but if I try even  to just send it back without comment, it is rejected as spam.  Now how is it that Verizon is so open to letting all this crap through to me but recognizes it immediiately as spam if I try to send it back?  I pay over $300 a month for Verizon FiOS and wireless services but I can't even find a way to contact them to ask this simple question.  I think the best thing for me and a LOT of other people to do to handle this seemingly intractible problem is to tell Verizon to take a hike!  Enough is ENOUGH!  How much of this crap am I expected to take?  Obviously they have a very effective spam filter that they apply to outgoing maiil.  Is it TOO MUCH to ask that their customers receive the SAMEuse consideration?  I am ABSOLUTELY FED UP with Verizon's customer relations atitude in regard to email spam.  There has to be a BETTER WAY!

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Note that the migration of eMail to the AOL (a Verizon Company) interface is now Gearing up again.  Previously CA, FL and TX customers were migrated before the same states were sold to Frontier.  Now the rest are starting to receive messages about the migration.

AOL has a more up to date SPAM filter.
