Verizon Yahoo Beta Mail
Enthusiast - Level 3


I am having lots of problems with the Verizon Yahoo Mail -Beta.  I can't send or reply to emails, or open emails. I get an error message with code 999.  I have even tried switching from Rich to Plain Text as recommended by the Verizon Yahoo Mail Beta Support page but that does not stop the error code 999 from popping up.

How long is the BETA testing going to take place?  I would like to switch back to Classic Mail can this be done??

Please Help!!!

Frustrated NYCityGirlSmiley Frustrated

3 Replies
Master - Level 3

I am sorry to hear about the email errors you have been having. We have copied your post to our private support board. Please refer all correspondences to that new message thread from here on out. Thank you in the meantime for your patience.

Enthusiast - Level 3


Any progress on my Verizon Yahoo Beta email issues? I am still experiencing the 999 error which does not allow me to send, reply or open new emails.  Most of the time when I try to reply to an email I get the 999 error message which deletes the email and I have to rewrite it.  The same error message applies to trying to open my emails.  I also experiencing an issue with attaching files to my email, I get an error message that says the flash player has crashed is not working, never had this problem with the Classic Mail.

PLEASE switch me back to Classic Mail !!!!

Contributor - Level 1

Thank you for filling out the form.  If you want to go back to the originial mail you can do this: 

Switching back from Verizon Yahoo! Mail

If you are on a Verizon Yahoo! Mail page and would like to return to the previous version, follow these steps:

  1. Click Help in the upper left-hand side of the page.
  2. Click Return to Original Mail down the list.
  3. When the feedback and confirmation window appears, please complete the form and click Continue.

You will then be returned to the version of Mail that you were using previously.
