Verizon customers helpless from SPOOF email spammers.
Enthusiast - Level 3

A week ago, my Outlook Inbox began filling up with returned undeliverable emails that I never sent. My computer was not even turned on when these emails were sent.  Someone was spoofing my email address to send bulk spam for viagra and porn. 

I let Verizon know what was going on and asked what I could do to stop it.

Their advice was to change my email password. I told them it is not my account or machine that is sending the spam, so a password change will do nothing. That did not seem to matter to them. They are not following any kind of logic, they are following a set script.They were clueless. 

The Spoof emails are of course still filling my Inbox. I guess I just have to wait until the spammer has burned out my email addresses credibility for this to stop.  Verizon doesn't seem to think it's a problem 😕

Thanks for nothing Verizon.

2 Replies
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@wickedfish wrote:

A week ago, my Outlook Inbox began filling up with returned undeliverable emails that I never sent. My computer was not even turned on when these emails were sent.  Someone was spoofing my email address to send bulk spam for viagra and porn. 

Unfortunately this is an all too common problem.  There really is nothing Verizon or any ISP can do about it.

Email protocols were designed at a time when trust between systems was implicit.  To solve this and other related problems we need new email protocols.  That isn't going to happen anytime soon.

For now, a decent spam filter can help deal with these bounce storms when the happen.

Good Luck.


I too have had my email acct spoofed, this is the second time, the first time cost me a 45 min. hold time call to tech support because they locked my acct. The tech support "expert" unlocked my acct, which I had been unable to do because I can't provide(or get to the right # for tech support) my acct #'s cause we have paperless billing. From what I have read here there is nothing anyone can do,except place my address on the blocked sender list,is this really true? I would be very happy yo ear any other suggestions.

Thx so much
