Verizon mail through Outlook (new version 5 - 4 - 23)
Enthusiast - Level 1

I am using Outlook on Mac.  I have email through Verizon.  Which is now AOL mail.  A new version of Outlook installed.  I cannot set up my email.  I chatted with Microsoft and they gave me the settings.  I got all my old emails.  But I cannot send them.  

Ok, I just sent an email from my Hotmail account.  I got that through Verizon.  But I cannot send them from the Verizon mail.  

Anyone have any ideas on why.

1 Reply
Enthusiast - Level 1

I'm dealing with the same situation. It's actually a bit worse because as a temporary workaround I tried using the embedded Mac mail for VZ, which *almost* works but I can't delete emails. Well I CAN delete them but they come back as soon as the Mac mail checks for new mails. I have more than 10,000 emails in my inbox and I can't delete them. NOW back to the Outlook. Since you're receiving, that indicates your incoming settings are fine. What are you using for outgoing mail settings, the server/port/encryption, etc (not asking for email acct/passwd lol)?