Verizon marking my outgoing email as spam; thanks, thanks a lot
Enthusiast - Level 1

Is anyone else as sick as I am of Verizon's "know more than you" "big brotherish" attitude to us customers.

I'm trying to send email (not mass, just one email) to a client, and Verizon marks it as spam.

This is a critical email the customer is expecting.  Couple of links in the emai.  

Fios is nice, but not THAT nice if I can't even send a freakin' email... I might as well go back to Earthlink or Cox!  In fairness, about 95% of my outgoing email goes through just fine, but 2-3 times per week, when I send an email to someone, I get the dreaded {word filter avoidance}response from Verizon which says...

and yes, i send the "offending" email off to the {word filter avoidance} genius people at, but can you contact these ivory tower {word filter avoidance}?  No.  

No, the only thing we can do is hope and pray these jerko**s unblock us and let our email get through.  

Verizon, if you're listening...{word filter avoidance}

6 Replies
Master - Level 3

Sorry to hear about the email problems. The spam filter will check for certain phrases or links that are commonly used in spam. To see if its content related, try to send the person an email without the content you were trying to send before.

Champion - Level 3

As stated in the Spam FAQ page, you will not get any response when sending the message to for review. You attach the message that you are unable to send, and they review it. Depending on the outcome of the investigation, the filter will either be updated to allow the content that was previously blocked, or it will be determined to be a legitimate block and no changes will be made.

Some troubleshooting steps you can try:
If you have a signature, try removing one line at a time from it and attempting to send the message again. Some signatures look like "ads" to the filters, apparently.

If you are using a pop3 client (Outlook, Outlook Express, etc.) try sending your message from the website. If this resolves the issue, then it is something that your client is adding to the message that is causing it to be blocked.

If the Subject line of your message has a whole bunch of "Fwd: Fwd: Re: Fwd:" try removing some of them.

Remove any links/URLs from the email one at a time to isolate if one of them is causing the block.

Some people have suggested sending the message to for investigation. This may work for you as well.

Champion - Level 3

@homeispv wrote:

Fios is nice, but not THAT nice if I can't even send a freakin' email... I might as well go back to Earthlink or Cox!  In fairness, about 95% of my outgoing email goes through just fine, but 2-3 times per week, when I send an email to someone, I get the dreaded {word filter avoidance}response from Verizon which says...

Also, the email service is really no reason to switch ISPs. There are many, many free email solutions available that work far better than any email-addon from an ISP.

Enthusiast - Level 2

Nothing is free.

This is not a personal attack, but your answer “free email solutions” doesn’t fly.

I pay for email service from Verizon. The cost of Verizon e-mail is built in to the dsl service.

Yes, e-mail from Verizon is advertised as a “free” service. However…

You can only get that “free email” if you purchase service.

And that’s not free.

First, the good news:

I rarely get spam from the Verizon server (I have 6 accounts/sub-accounts thru Verizon, using outlook express, 1 or 2 spam a month).

The bad news:

 I have enhanced dsl and have been experiencing random spam blocks.

Yes, I took the time to read the spam faqs and dozens of the postings in this forum.

Yes, I have the latest setting for outlook express

Yes, I know the e-mail limits, 100 names per e-mail, 500 e-mails per hour

Yes, I have repeatedly sent the same email to

I understand the difficulty of filtering spam, but it seems there should be means test that says if I send 1 email to 1 person, that’s probably not spam. After all, if the spam filter is really just a program, then it is using a numerical assessment, and the parameter has been set to ignore this..

Thank you for your time to help, but telling paying customers we don’t really have that good  of service  as we advertise, isn’t a solution, it’s an excuse.



Champion - Level 3

@Normx wrote:

Nothing is free.

This is not a personal attack, but your answer “free email solutions” doesn’t fly.

I pay for email service from Verizon. The cost of Verizon e-mail is built in to the dsl service.

Yes, e-mail from Verizon is advertised as a “free” service. However…

You can only get that “free email” if you purchase service.

And that’s not free.

First, the good news:

I rarely get spam from the Verizon server (I have 6 accounts/sub-accounts thru Verizon, using outlook express, 1 or 2 spam a month).

The bad news:

 I have enhanced dsl and have been experiencing random spam blocks.

Yes, I took the time to read the spam faqs and dozens of the postings in this forum.

Yes, I have the latest setting for outlook express

Yes, I know the e-mail limits, 100 names per e-mail, 500 e-mails per hour

Yes, I have repeatedly sent the same email to

I understand the difficulty of filtering spam, but it seems there should be means test that says if I send 1 email to 1 person, that’s probably not spam. After all, if the spam filter is really just a program, then it is using a numerical assessment, and the parameter has been set to ignore this..

Thank you for your time to help, but telling paying customers we don’t really have that good  of service  as we advertise, isn’t a solution, it’s an excuse.



As a fellow paying customer (note that this is a peer-to-peer forum), I'm not making excuses. I'm stating facts. There are free email offerings that are better than ISP provided email. Period.

If you want to use Verizon's email, that's your choice. If you want to switch to another ISP and use their sub-par email product, that is also your choice.

It just doesn't make sense to me to trade excellent internet for not-as-fantastic internet just to use a "better" email product when there are actual better email products available for free that are not ISP-dependent.


I find Verizon's spam blocker lame.  In fact, the only spam Verizon blocks is some of my reply mail, which is never spam.   I also have a Microsoft Live account.  That one does block incoming spam, if sometimes incorrectly.  Verizon should drop their spam filter if they can't make it more accurate.  We pay too much to Verizon to settle for poor service.
