Verizon/yahoo email

Can not access verizon/yahoo email since Thursday. Is there any hope?

4 Replies

I don't think so. I'm in the same boat. No email in three days. Have contacted verizon at least 10 times and the service reps make me change my verizon password which is not connected to the verizon/yahoo email system.

Just got off the phone with another tech and they are not aware of any problems. I had him log into my verizon account and password to attempt to log in to my email account but he said their IT system blocks their computers from doing this. Great trouble shooting abilities Verizon.

What an absolute joke. Verizon should at least admit there is a problem. It's all over the internet that the link between verizon and yahoo is broken.


OK. My email is back up in Outlook & the verizon/Yahoo web based page.  I used every automated troubleshooting tool on Verizons support without success.  Finally I clicked on "Live Chat" and got a tech support fella in India.  It was a server error on Verizons end that wouldn't recognized my user name or password, including the valid password change I did through My Verzion.  I was going around in circles doing everything right, but nothing was going to work because it's on the server end.  Live Chat tech support reset the server, assigned me a temp password to get in, and had me up a running in Outlook and web based in 10 minutes.  Use Live Chat

Enthusiast - Level 2

I am having exactly the same problem with the subaccount that I use for daily email correspondence. It appears from this forum and other forums that many Verizon Yahoo customers are impacted. If they figured out the solution to your case, why can't they fix the overall problem for ALL impacted customers? I changed my subaccount password on and can access it from that site. However, whenever I attempt to access my Verizon Yahoo email account, I receive the following message: "The server is currently unavailable. Please try again later." My primary account and the other subaccounts connected to it are not affected so far. How long does it take for Verizon to exchange account credentials with Yahoo? My email account has been in place for almost NINE years. I need to be able to access my email ASAP, NOT tomorrow, next week, or next month! Could Verizon please be more proactive about this situation? This is not making me a happy customer, expcially after renewing my contract a few months ago.

Enthusiast - Level 2

Finally, after 72+ hours of being locked out, Verizon restored access to my Verizon Yahoo! e-mail address for the impacted subaccount. It took several live chats to make this happen, with the problem escalated to the "email team" after my first contact. I also submitted a request to Yahoo! help, but they kept requesting additional information, and I'm not certain Yahoo! did anything from their end.

When I received notification by phone from VZ this morning, I was instructed to change my password once again. This time the password change synchronized with all servers and I was reunited with my email. Now I have many messages to sort through and I have to undo some of the temporary redirects to an alternate gmail account. Quite a hassel! I still wonder if the VZ/Yahoo server(s) was hacked since I received several nondelivery message receipts for messages that I did not send the day prior to the account lockout. It would've been nice if Verizon had a password solution that worked immediately to restore access.
