Vz Customers till using Comcast email


Are there any folks here still using former Comcast email services?

It seems, even though Comcast claim to still supporting former customer email accts according to their online policy, Vz folks are reporting no longer "recieving" email when connecting to Comcast email accts. They can "send: through the acct, but they aren't receiving any of their email and this has been confirmed as of today that the outbound servers are blocking Vz connections(timeouts 0x8004210A errors). This has been going on best as I see by reports for about the last 8 weeks roughly.

Case in point. fresh install Win10/Office2013  system configured & tested on Comcast network connection works fine with all email accts, email flows both ways for former Comcast customers. System is moved back to clients home with Vz FIOS and they can only send and not receive because of server timeouts (refusal to connect) essentially denial of service sending mail to clients.

Just wondering if they're doing something on the sly still claiming they support it, but in actuality are blocking in hopes they'll just go away without actually announcing anything.

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My in-laws have Comcast at their shore house and Verizon at home and no issues with Comcast emails. 

If you are having issues with your email client you could always just login at Comcast.net and check your email on the website. 


Comcast is at it again, this time they are refusing connections to Vz customers who are were Comcast custmores still making use of Comcast policy of allowing former Comcast customers who meet the 90 day/9 month criteria. Used your Comcast email either vie Comcast's web interface or your email client polling 90 day prior to severing service and at least once in a rolling 9 moth period and they cllaim you can "continue to use your Comcast email account US USUAL". This is still part of their site FAQ and "when you leave" Comcast statements. They''ve set their Mail servers to refuse connecting with Vz originaing requests and even gone as far as blocking access to manage or use your Comcast account Mail features. The Mail page is blocked and in both instances you get server timeouts. They're doing everything they can to block and lie that it is anything other than them doing it by design. My thoughts are that they are attmpting to make former customers leave out of frustration even thought they are in a Denial of Service condition as well as now falsely advertising because they are not allowing either operation, no sending your your mail and not allowing your to manage, read/deleted or send mail from your Comcast acct which you can still access by login in. It's just that the mail tap and now blocked. Sad situation. Comcast needs to release official policy changes, essentially don't the door hit on the way out Way to go Comcast, you really know how tom make folks want to come back after leaving becuase you drove them half crazy...Insanity. Marketing suiside...
