Web Mail interface

I was wondering if there was a way to lose some of the iems on the interface.  Between the browser and the webmail interface using lines both top and bottom I can see messages on less than half the screen.  Throw into the mix the header in the email and I can only see 1/5 of the message at a time.  Can the search bar be dropped.  It is particularly larg and not lap top friendly.

Also, can the interface be set up to pop the message in its own window that would allow for more lines of the message to be visible.

Any thoughts or guidance would be appreciated.


1 Reply
Specialist - Level 2

IN settings- display- make sure you are using list view and it also may help to change your font to 10. there is no obvious way to get rid of the search bar, but if you are using internet explorer or FireFox press F11 for full page view.

I use Zoho to manage my mail they have a free edition (up to 1 GB) https://mail.zoho.com/biz/index.do

http://www.dedoimedo.com/images/computers_years/2010_1/zoho-mail.jpg and it is more customizable. Also emails can be opened easily in a new window
